how old are you?beezanatorMarch 19 2005, 21:28:27 UTC
I read something you wrote to a girl in a pro-ED journal, and I think you are very narrow minded. I also think you have no authority to judge someone on something you know nothing about. It's not "pressure the media puts on people" it's a mental disease that is very hard to get over, in fact you live your entire life with and eating disorder. Just telling someone they look fine and that they should eat does nothing to help the situation. Anorexia or bulmia is not necessarily something a person choses to do, just like depressing, sometimes it just happens. I am very offended at your statements because it just proves how ignorant you are on this issue, people go to those journals for support and no matter if you agree with that kind of thing or not, saying that they should "just eat" is riduclous. Just stay away from thing you know nothing about, we aren't looking for your opinion.
Re: how old are you?vamp_999March 23 2005, 08:23:29 UTC
Well as a person just wondering around journals I could help but have to reply to this retard! lol...oh my... it seems either u have/had an eating disorder or know someone who has one. And btw.. none can really help those people. They have to go to a recovery institute like every other fucked up adict! I've met and seen people who have it for man different reasons and it all boils down to what THEY want... no amount of support does shit. Whatever they want they will do end of story. So beezanator... how about if u don't have something nice to say... GO ON TO THE NEXT PERSON'S LIFE AND PERSONAL OPPINION and leave it alone.... (fucking retard!... look up the meaning of a "journal" lol)....
Re: how old are you?beezanatorMarch 23 2005, 09:03:54 UTC
You said you were 20 right? do you still live in your parents basement, considering you sound so innate that it would be fathomable that you never leave the comfort of your mommy. I do have and ED, and I'm not "fucked up" - the media had nothing to do with the development of my eating disorder. Sorry I commented on your lack of insight into something that you know nothing about. I have never been to a "recovery institute" like you say. I was just trying to give a little insight into something you clearly know nothing about, but think you do. As for your maturity level, that's a little lacking - but I think you are just looking for an argument, then again - what else wound you do besides sit in your basement, play with your star wars/lord of the rings action figures, pleasuring yourself to your fathers old playboys? well, you could go out and get a job, and be in the real world with the rest of the normal people - I think you are the fucked up one here - please do not email me anymore, I don't have time for your pathetic games
Comments 7
My reply can be found here;
My original post to the girl in question (Lauren) can be found here;
(I'm the first comment)
Lauren's reply to my comment can be found here;
(at the very bottom)
What you say? Am I being unreasonbly narrow-minded? Too brash?
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