Here's an interesting new(-ish) idea on providing healthcare that you probably haven't heard of:
Concierge Healthcare Basic concept: You pay a flat rate per year to a medical practice, and they give you all the healthcare you need (with some exceptions, obviously), even making house calls.
Economics: The doctor referenced in this article figures he can make the same amount in a year from 400 patients, with house calls, as he currently does from 3,000 scheduled 30 per day. The patients won't be paying much more than they currently do for insurance, but they'll be getting a much higher level of care, and will have a fixed cost - unless certain treatments are needed that have a significant additional cost, such as for cancer, which an inexpensive catastrophic insurance could be purchased to cover. In this particular case, he's set it up well enough to be able to franchise the idea.
Umerikan Tranzlayqun:
Oltrnutiv Helfhker
Hyr'z an intrestyc nw(-iq) oydyu on proovoydyc helfhker vhat yw probubly havn't hrd uv:
Konsyerdj Helfhker Baysik konsept: Yw pay u flat rayt pr yir tw u medikl praktis, and vhay giv yw ol vhu helfhker yw nyd (wifh sum ekseptqnz, obvyusly), yvn maykyc haws kolz.
Ekunomiks: Vhu doktr refrensd in vhis ortikl figyrz hy kan mayk vhu saym umawnt in u yir frum 400 payqints, wifh haws kolz, az hy krintly duz frum 3,000 skedjwld 30 pr day. Vhu payqints woon't by payyc mutq moor vhan vhay krintly dw foor inqrins, but vhay'l by gityc u mutq hoyr levl uv ker, and wil hav u fiksd kost - unles srtin trytmnts or nydid vhat hav u signifiknt udiqnl kost, sutq az foor kansr, witq an inekspensiv katustrofik inqrins kuwd by prtqisd tw kuvr. In vhis prtikywlr kays, hy'z set it up wel ynuf tw by aybl tw frantqoyz vhu oydyu.