"To the dull mind all of nature is leaden. To the illuminated mind the whole world sparkles with light."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Great men are rarely isolated mountain peaks; they are the summits of ranges."
- T. W. Higginson
"We are rich only through what we give; and poor only through what we refuse and keep."
- Annie Sophie Swetchine
Umerikan Tranzlayqun:
Kwoots uv vhu Day
"Tw vhu dl moynd ol uv naytqr iz ledn. Tw vhu ilwminaytid moynd vhu hool wrld sporklz wifh loyt."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Grayt men or rerly oysoolaytid mawntin pyks; vhay or vhu sumits uv rayndjiz."
- T. W. Higginson
"Wy or ritq oonly fhrw wut wy giv; and poor oonly fhrw wut wy ryfywz and kyp."
- Annie Sophie Swetchine