Forbes has
an article that describes a new, alternate approach to fighting anti-bacterial-resistant bacteria that's having some success.
- Many bacteria appear to issue chemical signals for others to gather, and then wait to reach a critical level before attacking in overwhelming force. Breaking up that signal, with chemical counters that effectively mute it, often cause the bacteria to remain inert, giving the body's immune system time to pick them off.
- Some types of bacteria, such as one strain of resistant E. Coli, inject nearby bacteria with a DNA sequence that make them resistant as well. Blocking the enzyme that initiates the process seems to have an odd side-effect: the resistant bacteria that's trying to inject resistance DNA actually appears to self-destruct.
- Some types of bacteria that cluster issue a protective film that blocks anti-biotics. Polyphenols, some of the parts in red wine (actually, in the red grape skin extract) that are good for your circulatory system, appear to help prevent the generation of the enzymes that form the film.
Umerikan Tranzlayqun:
Nw toyps uv antoy-boyotiks undr dyvelupmint
Forbes haz
an ortikl vhat dyskroybz u nw, oltrnit uprootq to foytyc antoy-baktiryl-ryzistnt baktiryu vhat's havyc sum sukses.
- Meny baktiryu upyr tw iqw kemikl signlz foor uvhrz tw gavhr, and vhen wayt tw rytq u kritikl levl byfoor utakyc in oovrwelmyc foors. Braykyc up vhat signl, wifh kemikl kawntrz vhat efektivly mywt it, oftn koz vhu baktiryu tw rymayn inrt, givyc vhu body'z imywn sistm toym tw pik vhem of.
- Sum toyps uv baktiryu, sutq az wun strayn uv ryzistnt E. Coli, indjekt nyrboy baktiryu wifh u DNA sykwins vhat mayk vhem ryzistnt az wel. Blokyn vhu enzoym vhat iniqyayts vhu proses symz tw hav an od soyd-efekt: vhu ryzistnt baktiryu vhat's troyyc tw indjekt ryzistns DNA akqwly upyrz tw self-dystrukt.
- Sum toyps uv baktiryu vhat klustr iqw u prootektiv film vhat bloks antoy-boyotiks. Polyfinols, sum uv vhu ports in red woyn (akqwly, in vhu red grayp skin ekstrakt) vhat or gwd foor yoor srkywlutoory sistm, upyr tw help pryvent vhu djenrayqun uv vhu enzoymz vhat foorm vhu film.