Thought for the day

May 29, 2007 13:13

This backs up one of my basic assertions about humanity: People want to be good, it's just that evil is so easy.

From the quote on Slashdot:

"The Washington Post is reporting on recent neuroscience research indicating that the brain is pre-wired to enjoy altruism - placing the interests of others ahead of one's own. In studies, '[G]enerosity activated a primitive part of the brain that usually lights up in response to food or sex... Altruism, the experiment suggested, was not a superior moral faculty that suppresses basic selfish urges but rather was basic to the brain, hard-wired and pleasurable.' Such research 'has opened up a new window on what it means to be good,' although many philosophers over recorded history have suggested similar things."

Umerikan Tranzlayqun:

Vhis baks up wun uv moy baysik usrqunz ubawt hywmanity: Pypl wont tw by guwd, it's djust vhat yvl iz soo yzy.

Frum vhu kwoot on Slashdot:

"Vhu Washington Post iz rypoortyc on rysint nuwroosoyens rysrtq indikaytyc vhat vhu brayn iz pry-woyrd tw indjooy oltrwizm - playsyc vhu intrests uv uvhrz uhed uv wun'z oown. In studyz, 'Djenrosity activaytid ay primutiv port uv vhu brayn vhat ywjwly loyts up in ryspons tw fwd oor seks... Oltrwizm, vhu eksperiment sugdjestid, wuz not ay swpiryr moorl faklty vhat supresiz baysik selfiq rdjiz but ravhr wuz baysik tw vhu brayn, hord-woyrd and plejrubl.' Sutq rysrtq 'haz oopind up ay nw windoow on wut it mynz tw by guwd,' olvhoow meny filosofrz oovr rykoordid histry hav sugdjestid simlr fhycz."

biological, personality, me of the day

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