May 06, 2009 08:58
Today, art portfolio review; tomorrow, Latin American Politics and Intro to Nonwestern Art; Friday, Gothic Novel (though it's not an actual final, we're just stopping by to make sure everything's wrapped up); Monday, take-home final for Postcolonialism and Literature is due (we're turning it in at the Habashi House Middle-Eastern cafe; he's buying appetizers for us, too); Tuesday, Women and Literature.
Wednesday, they kick us out.
A nd I have a cold == But I suppose that's a better end-of-the-semester fatigue than puking blood or gaining a lot of weight, so I shouldn't bitch too much.
I need to talk to Amber, and if I can I think I'm gonna slowly move all my peripheral stuff out of the room to her new place. I'm gonna be staying with her for a few days after they've kicked us out so I can go to a couple of graduation parties next weekend. Then I believe my grandparents are taking me back to Riley.
And I need to find a job, at least, to start stocking up funds for when I come back to KC and move into the duplex on Virginia. I just e-mailed the landlord about the lease and when he wants the deposit. For now I have some money saved in my account that'll cover my portion of said deposit. When I'm back in Riley I'm hitting up Gambino's and the nursing home first thing, then working outward from there.
For now, though, I'm just looking over some finals stuff and otherwise sort of relaxing. The only stuff I absolutely have to review is the stuff for Nonwestern Art and the Postco final, since that's an essay (I haven't started it yet, but I've got five days). Coffee Break's begun closing at noon now, so I'll probably see what Tatiana's up to when I get out of my review with Anne.
I've actually gotten some down-time to write! For me! I wanna update something soon, badly. I just don't know what yet. Anyone reading this has a request, feel free to throw it out for my consideration. Especially this weekend, I see some writing time coming, so.
For now, though, I'll be sneezing and looking at African pieces for tomorrow.