And they even gave us these nice ltitle Hugh Jackman posters, rolled up and bound with rubber bands. Bonk!
Now, if I could sum up the movie in one word, that word would be...
GAY. Very much so. Of the main characters, there's one chick, and she's a minor main character. A lot of this movie is devoted to Hugh Jackman running around naked (sashaying around naked? He manages to run across a field and down a waterfall showing everything but those parts that'd get the movie an NC-17 rating XP) and having homoerotic fights with other mutants, notably Victor and Gambit. The fact that Victor and he are brothers somehow manages not to detract from the single most homoerotic scene in the movie where they're rolling around on each other, clawing each other, and Wolverine's like this deep in Victor's chest and Victor says it feels good.
So the movie's nowhere near as good as the other X-Men movies (the first two, at least; I've never seen the third one), but it's not so bad. Yes, they use a few cliches, and if you see it I'm sure you'll need no help finding them out, and it's basically action-packed fanservice, haha, but the one thing that really actually disappointed, was Gambit didn't have a Cajun accent. No French was spoken in this movie! >< The actor did fine, but if we could fix the accent, I'd be happy.
Anyway, if we want to say that Wolverine was a bad movie, then it was a fantabulously bad movie. Not so much as Zombie Strippers was, but still, fantabulous. And I got to hit people with my poster. Sweet.