the list

Jun 13, 2008 03:42

im going to take a stab at it, im sure i will add and delete as life goes on but i need a basic list.

what i will not tolerate in a serious relationship. [ in no particular order]
1. lack of consideration, selfishness.
2. the mind set that they are never wrong, unable to recognize and verbalize their faults.
3. incapable of having an intense discussion, or disclose intimate issues, thoughts, ideas, or fears.
4. unwilling to sacrifice time or emotions to fix a problem in the relationship.
5. insecurity, jealousy to an unhealthy degree, feeling of inferiority
6. not supportive of my decisions in life, not trusting me with myself.
7. not insightful into their own motives, actions and desires.
8. not willing to learn new things, evolve as a person, grow mentally.
9. unfaithfulness, dishonesty.
10. talks about their ex frequently in an overly negative light, or compares them to me.
11. using recreational drugs besides alcohol.
12. plays games of any kind, not calling back on purpose, upsetting me to get a rise, etc
13. co dependency- expecting me to fulfill their needs, make them better.
14. verbal/ physical abuse, disrespect, using derogatory language towards me or other women.
15. addiction to drugs, gambling, food, work, money, sex, etc.
16. partying more then once or twice a week.
17. lack of direction, job, finances.
18. looks down on me, doesn't respect my opinions or intelligence.
19. not able to make me laugh, or doesnt find me funny.
20. takes themselves too seriously, wont dance publicly, make jokes, wear silly things, act goofy, etc.
21. doesnt call or want to call atleast once a day.
22. texting instead of calling, texting others in my presence for anything other than business.
23. doesnt want to meet my friends, make new friends, meet my family, or want to make a good impression.
24. bad memory
25. lack of passion, hobbies, dreams
26. lack of charm, tact, appropriateness, social skills
27. wanting to be serious, says i love you, etc in a short period of time- less than 4 months.
28. no interest in traveling
29. doesn't like pictures, being in them or taking them
30. not dependable, not trustworthy.
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