Here's the final batch of answers -- and our winners revealed! -- to the latest Name That Movie Quiz, where you had to identify movies based on a single still.
To play along as you read, click through, then scroll down slowly.
The original still:
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Comments 9
All the movies I include are worth seeing, especially if you like their directors.
There Will Be Blood got a lot of critical acclaim, but it's a film I respect for its craft/performances/achievement more than like. And I love De Palma's showmanship -- like Hitchcock, his films are always entertaining.
I appreciate the hard work you put into this
Recognizing one still in a movie a "you either saw it or you didn't" type of thing. That's of limited value in my opinion
Recognizing "clues" in a photo...and researching the clues..takes some talent I wouldnt dismiss this (I believe someone mentioned that some people may have used Google..and you implied that next time you would make it even that they couldn't)
My suggestion for next to continue picking difficult stills...but those that offer clues..for those who have not seen the that they may have some hope of solving the mystery.
For instance #17. One may have not seen Zardoz (I have) and normally that would shut you out from finding the answer...BUT..the photo offered clues. I think that would make your quiz more interesting and open it up to more than just prolific movie watching types...but to people who have not seen the movie but who can do detective well
Congratulations! -- and thanks for playing. Be sure and message me your mailing address.
Over the four Name the Movie quizzes I've run, I've been able to include a lot of my favorite films, at least one of them more than once. I like films that are highly visual and stylistic -- although they still need to have a good story!
These are great ideas -- thanks!. Producing my own stills would be much more work, so I don't know if I'll ever run one of these again, but it would enable to me to do more of what you suggest -- which I've often tried to do even though I'm selecting stills from the internet. In this quiz, all of the stills came from the LJ group film_stills -- as evidenced by the banding on all the noncropped frame grabs.
Looking forward to the next one -- maybe a still from "Night Train to Terror"? We can hope... ;)
You have been so demoted. I, too, was surprised that you and progbear did not do better. One of the best things about getting older is revisiting some of the movies that impressed me that I first saw in my college years -- it's like watching them for the first time!
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