Here's the final batch of answers -- and our winners revealed! -- to the latest Name That Movie Quiz, where you had to identify movies based on a single still.
To play along as you read, click through, then scroll down slowly.
The original still:
You either knew this one or you didn't -- no wrong guesses!
Another clue:
Answer: Raising Arizona, directed by Joel Coen, 1987
The Coen Brothers' feel-good black comedy with Nicolas Cage, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, and Frances McDormand. Fun fact!: The kidnapped baby never cries in the film. All the other main adult characters do at one point or another!
The original still:
Interesting (but wrong) guesses:
Hitchcock, F/X, Body Double, The Conversation, All That Jazz
Another clue:
Answer: Blow Out, directed by Brian De Palma, 1981
This one was a stumper, along with Teorama in a previous set. Only two of you recognized the film from this still, which does appear to be a homage to Hitchcock's Psycho.
The original still:
This one was also recognized by most players, with no wrong guesses.
Another clue:
Answer: There Will Be Blood, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007
The original still:
One wrong guess:
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Another clue:
Answer: Zardoz, directed by John Boorman, 1974
Most of you recognized Sean Connery as the bride.
The original still:
Interesting wrong guesses:
Under the Cherry Moon, Dreamgirls, a Pointer Sisters video
Another clue:
Answer: Paris is Burning, directed by Jennie Livingston, 1990
The sashays and the trophies in the background were the clues here. I was pleased at the number of people who have seen and recognized this fascinating documentary about Harlem's drag ball subculture.
The original still:
Some interesting (but wrong) guesses:
2001: A Space Odyssey, Contact, Sunshine
Another clue:
Answer: Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, 1982
It was hard choosing a still from such an iconic and recognizable movie, which most people have seen multiple times. This still comes from the very opening scenes, with the gas flare in the nightscape reflected in the eyeball.
The original still:
Some interesting wrong guesses:
Ikiru, Murder by Death, Yojimbo, What's Up, Tiger Lily?
Another clue:
Answer: Zelig, directed by Woody Allen, 1983
I ended the quiz with a companion still to the first one (Martin Scorcese appearing in his film Hugo). If you recognized the director/star, you had an excellent chance of identifying the film.
And here are the final results!
This was my hardest-ever Name That Movie quiz,
so I think anyone who got 5 or more did a great job:
2 correct:
westwind_mv 3 correct:
boymeatcanadad 4 correct:
progbearpink_halen 5 correct:
mark_shutterbug 6 correct:
goreyboywrascalism 7 correct:
heypyro 8 correct:
soundbear69kukla_red 9 correct:
albadger 11 correct:
mudcub 12 correct:
tonethbone 16 correct:
zbear20 17 correct:
tycho_anomaly Once again
tycho_anomaly wins, although I think by the smallest total correct and closest margin ever.
I promised the top two winners prizes, and since they don't live near NYC each is getting a DVD instead of a movie date with me and
mudcub. They'll each be receiving (message me your mailing addresses) a DVD copy of the movie both of them missed, Preaching to the Perverted, a fun and well-meaning, if imperfect, British sex comedy -- which has appeared in my S/M at the Movies programs and which is one of the few sex-positive films I can name (or anyone else -- try and think of more than a few films that are truly sex-positive). Think pink! (If you've seen the movie, you'll understand this joke.)
Congratulations to our winners, and I hope everyone enjoyed playing!