www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28874103/ Hopefully I'll never have to hear the stupid Tomato joke or "Let's make like babies and head on out" again. ;P
Personally, I don't mind a horrible joke every now and again, but having someone repeat the same bad joke, or continue telling me a bad joke when I tell them to stop... that annoys me.
Tangent: if someone offers
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Comments 7
When you stop telling bad rape jokes I will stop telling the tomato joke...in front of you. <3
And I think she may be referring to the "How do you make a 6 year old boy cry twice" joke, but I am pretty sure that Brandon told that one.
Oh, here's one for your arsenal:
Q: What has 50 feet and 50 legs but still can't walk?
A: Half a centipede.
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