I'll bet somewhere, there's a horse drinking coffee.

Jun 07, 2016 23:23

This is a placeholder for an entry of some kind that I'll write when I'm not driving to three different 24 hour stores looking for a particular kind of styrofoam cup for my mother, goddamn.

ETA: CUPS FINALLY FOUND, SERIOUSLY, GODDAMN. Apparently, they needed to be both the kind that holds hot liquids (doable) and not clash with the planned event's color scheme (hoo boy). apparently there is a lack of basic white styrofoam cups in my general vicinity. I wonder why.

Anyway. I am tired and cranky, so there is not too much in me to write an entry tonight. Instead, I am going to post some links. All of them are food related because I didn't eat dinner tonight, and it is sort of on my mind.

Summer love and honeysuckle sorbet from Crook's Corner - A story of honeysuckle sorbet! Which I have intended to try and make myself for over a year now; I left it too long last year. I have sort of built it up in my mind, so I hope it doesn't disappoint, but I do love honeysuckle, invasive weed status notwithstanding. Summer isn't summer without the smell of honeysuckle on a hot, still night.

The Little Library Cafe - Blogger posts recipes about foods inspired by books she's read, some childhood and some other.

How to Cook the Perfect... - I stumbled onto this from something Flidget had linked me to in the Guardian, probably about Tom Daley. A series on cooking the perfect-- well, whatever it is they're featuring.

Say Hello to the Pineberry, the White Strawberry That Tastes Like a Pineapple - These are funny looking. I MUST TRY THEM.

15 Beautiful Cakes That Will Inspire You to Be a Bigger Asshole - These just made made laugh.

The Best Food Books of 2015 - Food books are my not so secret vice. I just like reading about food and cooking. Some interesting picks in here.

A Renegade Muscles In on Mister Softee’s Turf and Ice-Cream Man Attacks Pretzel Seller With Bat in a Street-Vendor Turf War. New York continues to be late to the bat-wielding homicidal ice cream man hijinks. WE HAD THAT SHIT COVERED IN MARYLAND LONG AGO. But seriously, I had to reread both articles to make sure Fred hadn't expanded his empire to new York, because that wouldn't have surprised me at all. (For those late to the party, the previous linked tag should explain it-- Fred the Homicidal Ice Cream Man is a figure who looms large in my journal over these many years. I haven't seen him yet this year, but I haven't been to the pool yet, so that would explain it.

links, food, writing, fred, linkage

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