When I wake up tomorrow, will you still feel the same?

Aug 27, 2005 01:59

The one-line drabble meme from the last post is still open, since so few people requested anything. I can't blame them, as my track record with this sort of thing is not the best. But hey! I've managed to reply to each one so far, and one or two of them even turned into real drabbles. So please, do ask. A character, a pairing, or what have you.

I know several people on my flist are into comics, particularly involving Robin. I just thought I ought to point out monkeycrackmary's hilarious post of several scanned Golden Age comics. Of course, if you're at scans_daily, you've probably already seen it. I still think the panel of Robin gleefully eating whale meat off a knife is an icon waiting to happen.

I've been in a real off-beat mood today, because my brother announced he was engaged. I'm happy for him, but it's still a little bewildering how much everything has just changed by him announcing that. And it's all in such a short amount of time. It's sort of like suddenly having the universe shift two inches to the left. But I called up Louise on the phone, and now I feel much better after a half hour of her unique form of therapy.

Also, gonna switch the music posts in a few days, so grab anything you want now before it comes down.

meatworld, crack

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