edison would be more comfortable if you put your penis away, yes

Aug 26, 2005 00:35

The header-quote is coming from the fact that if you're a Warren Ellis fan and yet don't read his blog, you should really check out his Edison hate future series anyway. The link doesn't show all of them; you'll have to hunt about or wait a few days as the site's undergoing some changes.

The Super Troopers trivia was way more interesting than I thought it would be: In the syrup-chugging scene in the diner, the first few takes were done with the actors drinking thick iced tea from syrup containers, but the iced tea didn't look realistic enough. Real syrup was brought in, and the actors then did several takes in which they actually chugged entire bottles of syrup. These are the takes you see in the close-ups, however, some wide shots with the iced tea were kept in.

That takes dedication to being an actor, man.

Every now and then I do a random picture spam. The last time I did it, I'm pretty sure it was a Pope-spam. This time, I just took six random pictures from my amusement folders and tried to link them all in some way.

Starting off with this one because of the previously mentioned Warren Ellis! I think this is from his "Desolation Jones" series. Frankly, I think the lady's got a point.

Moving on. What you see before you, my friend, is pope honey. I don't know if this is honey endorsed by the pope, or actually extracted from a pope-- sort of like royal jelly, I guess. I don't think I want to know. After some judicious Googling, I think we can safely say that we'll just assume it's commemorative pope-honey and not actual honey created from the rear end of the head of the Catholic church.

And the connection of this one to the previous picture is that the message of the picture is obviously something along the lines of honey goes better with the pope. And doesn't the phrase "pope honey" sound a lot like a euphemism for-- you know what, let's not go there.

Commemorative pope teddy bears. Right-o. I think the connection is pretty obvious, pope picture to pope picture, but what I can't help but think is that this is somehow a clever ploy on the Vatican's part to get the world to see Pope Benedict XVI as a lot cuddlier than he is. I mean, it's really tough to measure up to Pope John Paul II in terms of adorability. Clearly the former Ratzinger is pulling out the big guns.

A kitten burrito, with the connection being that it is obviously intended to be adorable, as was the bear, and I think the kitten at least succeeding quite well.

The kitten looks like it's thinking "Well, shit. Now what?"

Er. This is an octodog. It is a hotdog fashioned into a octopus. There is a tool that you can purchase to do this.

...I don't know why you would ever want to do that, really.

In any case, you eat burritos (with or without kittens in them) and you eat octodogs (or I assume you do, as I'd be more inclined to stare at one in utter terror) and that's your connections. In case you're actually interested in procuring the amazing octodog maker, this is the site to go to.

I don't even remember where I found this. All that strikes me is that absolute happiness is such a foreign expression on Saionji's face, that I have to squint at this picture for a while to assure myself it's really Saionji and not some genial food-serving alien. It still might be an alien. Touga, on the other hand, seems utterly absorbed in eating.

You'd think the connection would be the eating one, but really it's even better. In episode 19 of the Utena series, Wakaba serves octopus-hotdogs to Utena. So, I guess Japan is to blame for the creation of the octodog.

Every now and then I look at my last drabble-request meme and feel really bad that I only ever did, you know, one of them. I do promise to get around to the rest in the next year or so. In the meantime, how about the one-line drabble meme? Give me a character or pairing and I'll write one line of fic. Maybe even a long line. The usual array of fandoms, and if I knew your originals well enough, feel free.

fanfic, pic-spam, pimpage

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