I am a gentleman, didn't I

Mar 17, 2012 00:08

"The fix is in. It remains only to be seen what it's been traded for. To get to this stage, anyone wanting to be a referee has had to learn to enjoy the special flavor of pressure-group dick. The question is: will the referees stagger off ice with lungs half full of steaming Winnipeg semen? Or will they merely be licking their lips ( Read more... )

papal hijinks, hockey, louise, meme, religion

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glendaglamazon April 3 2012, 07:32:59 UTC
Man, I really need to be better about reading LJ. I was at that Winnipeg game, and it was awesome for two periods, and a disaster afterwards. But! There was a singsongy Thrashers chant! It wasn't the whole arena, but it started somewhere in the 400s and floated down to where we were sitting in 109. I was so proud. I guess it didn't come through on the TV?

And the Ovi chants were spontaneous and made of pure love. Too bad he's decided to stop playing like his ass is on fire. It would be nice if he remembered how now to, you know, get us into the playoffs, and maybe make some noise, once there.


glendaglamazon April 3 2012, 07:41:11 UTC
Oops, this comment was for your other post about the Thrashets game in DC. That one in Winnipeg was seriously rage inducing for the refs and their clear fear of the crowd. Also, I got bitched at on Japers' Rink's GDT by a Jets fan for calling Jets fans classless (I didn't call that fan in particular classless, mind you, just the obnoxious assholes who fill the barn), on a Caps blog's GDT! So I defended myself heartily, and then, after the game, when in a blind rage, I called that fanbase bullying thugs who managed to intimidate NHL refs into ignoring blatant and dangerous penalties, I got more shit from the moderator (not that I had broken any rule or was even any more out of line than anyone else ( ... )


thorne_scratch April 3 2012, 13:04:27 UTC
Oh, no worries. Hey, you're on Japers Rink? Awesome! What's your username? I'm always lurking there on GDTs, because I find it much easier than being on ontd_pucking; not that pucking isn't nice, but I'd rather be surrounded by fans of my own team where I can yell and not have to worry about anyone else's feelings. (There's been this one person who keeps using Craps and Crapitals on pucking, which is why I've sort of given the place a wide berth of late, for fear I'm going to try and reach through my screen and punch them ( ... )


glendaglamazon April 3 2012, 20:49:33 UTC
I'm Aliceanna at the Rink. You shouldn't just lurk! There are many friendly folks--at least right when the GDT starts, before anyone has a chance to be suicidal and all the sane people leave for the comfort of their poison of choice. Also, I love how woman-friendly it is. Hell, I think the ratio may even be tilted toward the female. I have learned a ton there. I even occasionally post in the Daily Clips comments, now (though seldom), without fear of making stupid n00b mistakes (of course, I totally have, but they were pretty forgiving). There are some posters I can't stand, but, as you say, it's a place filled with smart, friendly people who love hockey and the Caps, and that's pretty awesome ( ... )


thorne_scratch April 4 2012, 02:49:42 UTC
*boggles* You're Aliceanna? Ha! Man, that's hilarious, knowing I've been reading you all this time and never knowing it. (Your optimism is fantastic and one of the reasons I enjoy the GDTs, by the way. Seriously.) Well, okay, I'll make a name and everything. I've been reading the site regularly for about two and a half years. (There are some posters who freak me out, and others who make me afraid to open my mouth, but yeah, in general I find the place incredibly smart and fun.)

I went out to dinner tonight, so I missed hanging in the GDT, but I'll be there on Thursday.

Nah, I've decided, definitely RMNB! So, I'll be there. I'll ping you my cell if you want. Saying "I'll be that girl in the 8 jersey," probably isn't going to get me far.

I really need to go to a practice. I haven't been in a long time. Damn you, regular work schedule.

Just hold on and hope for us to win these last two games.


glendaglamazon April 4 2012, 04:14:21 UTC
The Internet is so amusing, isn't it? It makes this big scary world an itty bitty place! :)

I will definitely be in the GDT on Thursday. In fact, I don't think I'd go to that game if someone offered me free tickets. I'd be too petrified. The Rink promises to be jam-packed and tense, so let's hope the boys give us ample reason to be happy for a full 60 minutes. *crosses everything that might possibly help ensure good fortune*

Yay! RMNB 4: Judgment Day! I really hope that we already know our fate by then, so the game-watching will be a happy and relatively stress-free event, but it's the Caps, so that forecast is unlikely.

And, yes! Do send me your digits (I forget that LJ has private messages now. I have no idea why). I will likely be wearing a Mike Green shirsey (was supposed to be Nicky, but they were out of everything but small for MONTHS!), which won't help in the identification department, either.

See you online soon!


thorne_scratch April 4 2012, 14:05:31 UTC
It really is. Amazing!

Yeah, I am going to be so damn tense on Thursday. I may have to drink myself into a stupor no matter what the results are.

Cool. I'll PM you the info :)


glendaglamazon April 4 2012, 04:17:56 UTC
Oh, and thank you for saying kind things about my Pollyanna-ish ways. I just don't understand being down on my own team. How is that fun for me, or anything I should be spending my time with?

I like to think I am not vastly unrealistic, because, for example, I was very angry after the Chicago game. I don't get pessimistic sports fans, or, frankly, some of the fancystats folks at the Rink who seem bound and determined to boil everything down to numbers that have happened in the past. Hockey is magic! Don't they know that? :D


thorne_scratch April 4 2012, 14:04:03 UTC
not at all. I... I know a lot of the posters at JP have reason to be negative, but some of the excessively negative people make me think, "Well, what the hell are you watching for, then? Go do something else you enjoy." They have the right to vent, but I think it's no worse to be optimistic ( ... )


thorne_scratch April 3 2012, 12:54:49 UTC
I was at the Buffalo game. I don't know if it's worse to be at a game where we do well and then blow it at the last second, or a game where we suck all the way through. It was bad-- so many Buffalo people there. I stayed until the end, but it was painful. And nah, I guess we didn't really hear that chant on the television.

At least I was also at the Wild game, which was insanely fun.

Apparently we're only allowed to have one Alex functioning at any given time. I think he'll bounce back. Just hope it's, you know, by Thursday.


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