I am a gentleman, didn't I

Mar 17, 2012 00:08

"The fix is in. It remains only to be seen what it's been traded for. To get to this stage, anyone wanting to be a referee has had to learn to enjoy the special flavor of pressure-group dick. The question is: will the referees stagger off ice with lungs half full of steaming Winnipeg semen? Or will they merely be licking their lips?"

...Yeah, I had a few issues with the officiating of that game. I hope Stuart gets the fucking book thrown at him. (Hey, Canes fans, what's up with Skinner? It's like he's turned into a ball of rage this season. It's weird.) Also, AT LEAST DUKE LOST, HAHAHAHAHAHA. Hee. Heh.

I'm sitting here, counting the minutes until midnight when I can officially eat meat again. It's weird; the no-meat during Lenten Fridays remains one of the few bits of Catholicism I've been completely unable to shake. And that's a little bit impressive, given how much I fucking love meat. So much else has fallen by the wayside-- mass every week, mass on Holy Days of Obligation, confession, not eating before mass (though my parents gave me a pass on that one after the third time I passed out before the homily was done), and so forth. I'm a pretty terrible Catholic. But things I haven't been able to get rid of yet include:

-Getting ashes on Ash Wednesday
-No eating meat during Lent
-Capitalizing the word "God" no matter what I'm writing
-Making the sign of the cross at weird moments
-Cowering in fear of nuns, especially if they have a ruler
-Being inordinately fascinated with the Pope

Some shit goes bone-deep, I guess. Anyway. Tomorrow I'm doing the Kettler blood drive, because I am not above being bribed for my bodily fluids in exchange for a t-shirt and a bobblehead. Since it's St. Patrick's Day, this should make any evening libation festivities that much more... uh, interesting. (Louise is trying to make me feel bad. She's all, "I bet you want to wear your team shirt, but it's red. You're supposed to be wearing green. WHAT WILL YOU DO?" She is a terrible friend. Last Thursday night, we watched a documentary on gay porn together while she worked on some complicated government estimate project and I proofread a paper on myocardial perfusion, and that's pretty much our relationship in a nutshell.)

I want to do a meme, but my attention span is low. Ask for a character or pairing, add one word to it, get a couple sentences of fic! No limits.

And excuse me, I now have a date with some midnight bacon.

papal hijinks, hockey, louise, meme, religion

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