The Guess Who sucked, the Jets were lousy anyway

Mar 24, 2012 00:07

Ugh. There is no one to blame for that loss but ourselves. That was just heartbreaking. It hurts even more to lose after two good periods and a shit-the-bed collapse in the third, second game of a back to back (to over time, with Philly, which is not exactly a spa day) notwithstanding. I actually had to go into my basement and yell for a while. And no Horn Guy! DC, seriously, while the Ovi chants were great, that was a golden opportunity to chant insultingly in the manner of soccer fans, and there wasn't even a single mocking Thrashers chant, or something about, I dunno, lack of parks? What the hell, dudes.

On the other hand, Ovi's apparently decided to conquer the world, so I'm fine with that.

Timon of Athens was the play we ended up studying in my senior year of high school, since we were at the whim of whatever the Folger Theater was deciding to put on that spring, so of course we got the weird one. As I recall, the version we saw was this weird modern take on it, and at one point there were go-go boys dancing in cages at a gay club. Our chaperone went kinda nuts.

twigcollins: You could totally stage Timon of Athens with hipsters. Apemantus would be the dudebro.

ThorneScratch: He so would. God. Timon getting pissed at the hipster lifestyle and becoming EVEN MORE HIPSTER in response because HE'LL SHOW THEM.

twigcollins: Every scene would have him in more and more black clothing. Apemantus would find him living in a Marilyn Manson video by the end of it.

ThorneScratch: With a hat. An ironic one.


At work last Wednesday, one of my coworkers came in mid-afternoon and was like, "There is a motherfucking spider this big on the stairs," while holding his fingers three inches apart. So we all go out to see and he is not fucking kidding. There is a three inch spider on the stairs, just hanging out. Like, halfway down. We threw peanuts at it and it didn't even fucking flinch. We poured water on it and it just shook it off. (You can imagine what my workplace is like that this was basically the highlight of our afternoon, huddled on the landing and chucking peanuts at a huge arachnid.) This may seem like an overreaction, but THOSE ARE THE ONLY STAIRS OUT OF THAT BUILDING. I retreated inside to tell Twig over g-chat.

ThorneScratch: I don't..

twigcollins: Give it what it wants.

ThorneScratch: I don't know how I'm going to get past it to go home.

twigcollins: Fuck. You may be stuck there.

ThorneScratch: This is going to be like running past the platypus bell

twigcollins: That thing.

ThorneScratch: Or a coconut crab. "We have to move. It's the crab's house now."


Apparently, there's another Silent Hill out. I checked it out on youtube. Applause for no prison rape motifs! I was kinda waiting for that, given the background of the main character.

ThorneScratch: Well, if they couldn't have a surprise!dog ending, surprise!Pyramid Head is almost as good. (This may be the first time the words "surprise!Pyramid Head" and "good" are used in a sentence together.)

twigcollins: Hey, link me some time to that surprise Pyramid Head ending.

ThorneScratch: Scroll to the bottom. It's the surprise ending. It has Pyramid Head and cake. It's kind of amazing.

twigcollins: "If, in the perfect ending, Pendleton didn't actually kill anyone and is innocent, why did the town pick him?" Silent Hill occasionally likes to fuck around. It is kind of a dick.

ThorneScratch: Silent Hill: Fuck You, That's Why.

twigcollins: That was a great ending. "Aw, you guys!"

ThorneScratch: I KNOW. Even James "Crazypants" Sunderland is there. And then Pyramid Head chops the cake in half, and the table.

twigcollins: Yes. And everyone's like, "D'awww, Pyramid Head."

ThorneScratch: "Oh, that scamp."

twigcollins: Just punch him on the shoulder. Lunar was agog about the Silent Hill ending too.

ThorneScratch: Hee hee. Cake! You know that knife had, like, Maria blood on it. But they ate the cake anyway to be polite.

twigcollins: James had two pieces.

For the first time in forever, I've actually manage to make headway on most of the prompts in a writing meme. Clearly, I feel like jinxing this. If you still want something, I'll go for it. Two more coming up shortly, for swimming and the pope.

Sephiroth: sacrifice. Mostly gen, mentions of Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud.

Zack, Reno: hijinks. Currently gen, part of a bigger Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud bodyswap fic.

Any hockey player: defend. Gen, filled with Ovechkin, Hendricks, and various others.

Jeff Skinner: rage. Skinner/Staal. Uh, sorry for my complete lack of real knowledge of either dude here.

work, hockey, silent hill, meme, alexander ovechkin

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