The scariest thing and the ugliest thing I've seen while inspecting bldgs

Oct 07, 2009 16:32

The scary thing:  about 6-7 years ago, I was sent up to the Longview area for a week to inspect a bunch of bldgs.  I spent about 2 hours driving around small dirt/unpaved county & local roads while trying to find the last bldg I had to look at.  I gave up after driving down to a dead-end on a dirt road - a barn of some sort was on the left side - a typical barn with a wood frame and a corrugated metal panel exterior.  And on those corrugated metal panels was a series of crosses, all white, varying sizes, in very drippy wet paint.  Cue the horror movie music....

The ugliest thing I've ever seen in 10 years as a building inspector:  I'm still not sure where I stand on the general issue of illegal immigrants, but this made me nauseous.  While inspecting buildings in Cedar Park, TX today (only about 25 miles NW of my house on the south side of Austin), I saw the following hand/brush painted on the side of a van in day-glo paint, all  in caps: "EUTHANIZE ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS AND HANG THE PEOPLE THAT HIRE THEM."
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