
Jul 16, 2009 14:08

I go through way to much money.  I don't think I am addicted to shopping, although I am quite fond of it.  And I am not pissing my money away, by that I mean I don't drink, I don't go to clubs, I don't get traffic tickets, stuff like that.  And what I buy I think I need, or at the least will utilize at some point.  But my available cash is a bit low at the moment. And there must be a reason for it?  My monthly pay check won't arrive for 2 more weeks.

I (insert "want" or "need") a digital camera, a very nice one, not over $1,000.00. I have noticed 2 cannon cameras, 1 at roughly $500.00, and the other that I like better is at $650.00.  Or perhaps a Nikon at around the same price.  But I don't want to charge it on a credit card either?  Ummmmmmm.......

Christmas is too far away, so...........................BOLLOCKS, BLOODY HELL, ETC ETC.

Those are British slang words for cuss words.  They just sound a bit classier than American cuss words.

I am downloading a movie (file) at home, a series of short movies, and it's 8.1G, and the fastest download speed average to around 12KB, and it's about 55% completed and has been downloading for 1 week, with an estimated completion date of about 3 or 4 more days.  Unbelievable download speed.  No other movies has downloaded at that low of a download speed.  Not everybody has a powerful computer like I have, but really, this is ridiculous.  That will be it for my movies, need to start actually watching them.

I want to start making video blogs. I am subscribed to quite a few on, mostly young gay guys.  They seem to be very energetic and creative.  Not sure what to talk about though. I could talk about my younger gay days, since most of them were less than pleasant.  But that seems a bit depressing.

You know how it was 20 to 30 years ago, when we were young and idealistic and thought we had the world by it's tail, only to discover 10 - 20 years later that the world had us by the "balls" and was squeezing them rather painfully?

I don't know, it might be therapeutic!

paychecks, cameras, british slang, digital, mondy

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