Feb 04, 2004 13:29
And so much for that…
So, I’d like to being by saying this isn’t my fault. I didn’t fall off the no-fast-food wagon, I jumped, there’s a difference. So don’t give me that look :)
Seriously, little lesson in life, when you cut your bodies calorie intake from (roughly) 12,000 calories a day to 2,000 calories a day it apparently reacts violently. Add the fact that fast food (for all the bad things about it) is very high in protein and the food I was eating this week is very much not.
So we have a new plan which is to eat fast food every other day for this week, then every 3 days next week, and then only once for the week after that, and then I’m off to the races.
I was a little upset by this at first but the more I think about it the more I get comfortable with it. I mean, the whole lead thing cost me 15 pounds in itself (lead, it’s better than Atkins!) and then I go and cut it’s intake to 1/6th what it was, heck, if I were my body I’d get violent too!
On a side note, the Philly Cheese steaks were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! Mmmmmmm, Cheese steak.