Jan 01, 2024 20:37
I got suspended from X, like permanently suspended and have no idea what that really means. Of course like anyone, what's been suspended I was like, wait, I didn’t do anything, like what did I do lol.
Apparently you don’t have to do anything, if someone reports you for hate, harassment or posting something harmful X don’t look but right off suspend you THEN want you to prove you didn’t and they do not make it easy to dispute it.
Not sure what I did, they don’t tell you, only what you're suspended or in my case, permanently suspended.
I don’t post porn or naked anything so wasn’t that. I don’t post political stuff but have reposted others.
My guess would be.
One, I commented on a post and someone took offense to it OR, Two, I have blocked 8 or 10 what have commented on my post whose profiles were either blank or loaded with enough porn even porn hud would have been impressed. Three were out right bolts. Maybe one took it more personally and wanted to get back at me. Who knows.
I did fill out the request to me un-suspended, what's like jerking off in the dark at 3am outside during a blinding snowstorm. I’m not holding my breath what to be reinstated but still, they came back with, 3 to 5 days time before I’d know. I’ll live with that. If that doesn't happen, probably do another one. There were a few I liked following, Eurig, Ken, Daniel, Blue, Westie, Ivan, Jake and Aaron, James. Few others but ya, wait and see without holding my breath what X does. I’m sure I know the out cum lol.