My Twitter pal Shep wrote an awesome blog entry about some of the issues going on in the online fandom and it's inspired me to say a word or two of my own, so read hers, then come back here :)
Back so soon? Then here we go:
Yes, sure, people have the right to be upset about unmet expectations but in The Case of the Fluctuating Schedule (if you haven't noticed): THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. To Bones. That's what dragged me online in the first place because I could figure out when to tune in. It used to be because we were the red-headed stepchild that never got promoted and always got shuffled around and threatened with the Friday night death slot. Me? I'd much rather be where we are now: moved around because we are the most stable drama Fox has got (sorry House, Fringe, and TerribleNova but you don't stack up). It means I don't have to listen to moaners moan on Dec 15th about what the lower numbers might mean for "Season 8" (and this whole will they/won't they business about Season 8 amongst the fanbase is a whole 'nother ball of wax I ain't touching).
Need evidence: Judas on a Pole is still the lowest rated episode in Bones history and it aired December 13th. Doctor in the Photo also aired in mid-Dec and also got lower ratings than the rest of Season 6. The lone episode to get over 10 million viewers in December was Goop on the Girl; which aired December 10th. Judas and Doctor are two of my favorite eps ever. But people missed them; possibly because of their proximity to the holidays.
More perspective: The year of the strike we didn't get ANY episodes from November 27th thru APRIL 14th.
So.... *deep breath*
Yes, in a perfect world I'd love for episode 6 to air in two weeks from Thursday, but from a business perspective I get it and I will move on and I won't blame all kinds of random factors or the showrunners when history has proven that usually not as many people turn out that late into December. I respect those of you who are genuinely upset but would ask that you don't point fingers where they don't belong.
As for me, I'll enjoy the Christmas season with my family and friends and see this as a sign that the network higher-ups are showing faith in the show to put it as a lead-in. Besides, a January 12th airing interrupts what would've been an otherwise LONG hiatus.
As for the Booth vs Brennan vs David vs Emily nonsense that's flying around Tumblr and clogging up my Twitter feed? Yeah, I'm not gonna go there except to say it's nothing new (TeamBooth, TeamBrennan, TeamBones anyone?) and... whatever, I just love the show. Emily made me cry last year, David had his turn this year, and they'll probably do it all over again to me before this ride is over.
*waves to everyone who hasn't shut this window yet and smiles kindly at those mentally giving me the finger*
~Gum :)