I've just finished reading Janet Kagan's Hellspark for the first time in many years, and I found it a delight. Of course, part of that is because its protagonist (a woman, BTW) is a linguist and master polyglot- not just an incidental fact mentioned in passing, but so integral to the plot and construction that I am strongly tempted to call this a novel about language and culture, very definitely including body language.
There was a great deal that I didn't remember from my earlier readings, but there's one in particular that sticks in my memory, the last thing I read, which is the first thing in the book: a prefaced paragraph about the unusual spelling and typesetting of a couple of names in the book (I might as well call them that here; TL;DW) signed with the editor's initials. That only makes sense once you've read the book. 😜
ETA last sentence
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