Dearrrrrr Nuance...

Feb 10, 2016 11:57


In Gmail, I typed "WAG-work" (without quotation marks), as an abbreviation for "wild-ass guesswork". The Swype + Dragon keyboard instantly converted it to "SELf-esteem", offering me no chance to save it: I had to erase the word and try again. I tried this two more times in Gmail and again in ColorNote, with the same result every time.

And while I was adding this note to an event in Google Calendar on the phone, something similar happened to my memo title AUTO-MISCORRECTION.

This bug should be fixed as soon as possible.

I wrote the above on Feb. 8. Just now, Feb. 10, 11:16 a.m., the identical thing happened with another hyphenation in Gmail. I typed "x-" one character at a time and then Swyped "post", meaning to write "x-post" as an abbreviation for "cross-post". That immediately became "S-6Past", which isn't even in my dictionary, though "S-6" is.


P.S. On your page

the link for "Submit a support ticket" --

-- is 404, yielding

The page you were looking for doesn't exist.
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.
Take me back to the home page

Version information:
• Samsung S-6 Verizon SM-G920V, Android version 5.1.1, Baseband v. G920VVRU4BOK7, kernel version 3.10.61
• Swype + Dragon version
• ColorNote 3.10.2
• Gmail 5.10.112808100.release
• Calendar 5.3.3-113058720-release (which "runs in the same process as Google Calendar Sync": Settings | Applications | Application Manager | Calendar | Permissions)

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Submitted 160210.1148± via

Request #33522 "auto-miscorrection without ..." created

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kvetch, i.t.

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