Happy Earth Day everyone!
I have a weird reaction to Earth Day and the environmental movement generally. George Carlin has a routine where he talks about how screwing with the planet got us into this mess in the first place and how arrogant we are for thinking we can fix it. I support reasonable efforts to conserve our habitat, but I feel like it's gotten super trendy and full of meaningless buzzwords and cheap attempts to look "green" that actually won't accomplish much of anything. I don't know how to fix it and I fear a backlash will just make it all worse and, ultimately, fatal.
Of course, I've been reading
>The World Without Us by Alan Weisman and this helps me realize that the planet is not really in need of fixing. (The book is fascinating, btw.) The planet will be here long after we are. It may wipe us out for its own necessity and, sadly, take polar bears and pandas and other critters with us.
Anyway, in an attempt to add a little lightheartedness to the debate, here are a list of things you should NOT do on Earth Day:
1. Vote Republican.
2. Buy a Hummer.
3. Choke a bird with the plastic rings that hold your six pack.
4. Smack Al Gore.
Did you ever notice that these are never good things to do anyway?