Spirit Week was Spirited

Nov 25, 2010 09:18

My day of Let's Get Together And Feel All Right at Skinner North went GREAT! I had fun, anyway.

My first class of the day was first grade. I thought caravanserai  made a good point about writing being a challenge for first graders. Although these 1st graders wrote welcome letters to the Kindergartners at the beginning of the year that were posted outside the Kindergarten classroom and I was impressed with how legible they really were. Anyway, I didn't want it to seem like work for them. So I just had them make the class web and do the "join hands" dance.

The second graders were the most fun. It's amazing. They are only two years older than Aislin and they are light years ahead in size and cognitive abilities. Kids are amazing. What they learn in such a short time is nothing short of miraculous. Anyway, I split them up into teams by birth month (there were 6 teams so Aug & Sep were together, July & Oct, etc.) and gave each team a sack with their team name on it. You would not believe how excited they were over these silly little team names I made up: Team Hogwarts, Team Super Mario, etc. So then they had to build a shelter bg enough to fit one team member out of newspaper, duct tape and staples. It worked GREAT! They had so much fun and we had a little wrap up talk afterward about cooperation and collaboration.

Later that day when the kids saw me in school they would say hi and wave -- it was like being a celebrity. They were so excited to see me.
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