Jul 24, 2007 08:08

First, the body count, because this is becoming impressive:

Charity Burbage
Hedwig *weep*
Mad-Eye Moody *beats chest*
Rufus Scrimgeour
Bathilda Bagshot (did anyone else think of that "Doublemeat Palace" from Buffy when the snake came out of her neck? Yechh.)
Dirk Creswell
Gornuk (sp?)
Ted Tonks *flail*


I felt this lurch when I read about Ted's death, probably because we had such a good Ted in that RPG I was in. I'm sorry, muridae_x. My heart aches for your Andromeda, even though the game ended quite some time ago.

Yeah, Remus had better have gone back to Tonks. She lost her dad! Their baby will have no grandfather; he ought to have a father! Stupid Remus. And what kind of code name is Romulus? Honestly. Of course, except for Fred's, they were all fairly obvious.

But how cool is Lee Jordan?

And the twins! OMG, twins, you own me in this book! I love you! I adore you! TWINS!

Okay, Ron. I love you again. You are made of awesome, my boy. You didn't just dive into the frozen pool to get Harry, you went back in for the sword! OMGSWORD! Attractive young people with swords! I am so on board with that, so glad Harry is letting Ron carry it, so glad they reconciled, so glad Hermione seems to be coming around.

And this?

"She's like my sister. I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. I thought you knew."

My favorite part so far because I've been waiting for it for SEVEN YEARS.

Now I'm just waiting for the snoggage.

Aw, Harry watching Ginny's dot is sweet.

Oh, Luna! They shut my little bird away in that horrible place? Bastards. She's got to be all right. *sniffle* Though that ceiling painting was a little creepy. Photographs I'm okay with, but a fresco? Well, it's Luna.

Oh, Luna.

What else? Oh, the Deathly Hallows! I'm intrigued. I love a good quest, especially one with mythic origins. It seems like they're making a lot of guesses that just happen to be right (I'm guessing someone went back in time and sent that silver doe to show them the way to the sword) but whatever. I wonder if the Resurrection Stone still works. Maybe someone will die and Harry will bring him or her back just long enough to say goodbye.

That would suck.

Hey, Gellert Grindelwald! I wasn't expecting that, but neat. Albus/Gellert is totally my new slash ship. And it sounds like Gellert might still be alive. Cool.

I'm tickled by the idea of a sickly sister who was hidden away from the world, because I gave one to Sirius in my fan fiction, a while back.

OMG I want to know what happens next! But DON'T tell me. I'm not going to cheat. I'm going to make it through ONE Potter book with a minimum of spoilers. (Though I can guess at what happens in the epilogue, going by some of the names that have popped up on the newsletters.)

hp: deathly hallows

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