Deathly Hallows: Chapter One (ONLY Chapter One)

Jul 21, 2007 10:16

Oh, man. I'm glad this is the last book. I liked having it by 12:30, but standing on line for an hour and a half in a crowded bookstore kind of sucked. Even though I ended up wedged between a librarian and an English teacher, and we got to talking about the awesomeness of To Kill a Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye.


Nice, ominous opening chapter.

LUCIUS AND VOLDEMORT COMPARING WAND LENGTHS! No double meaning there, of course.

I like seeing the Malfoys together, even though I'm not into them. I tend to be drawn to villains who have interests beyond The Cause. In this chapter, Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco seem fairly well-knitted, which I liked.

Hmm, I wonder who the prisoner is. The one Wormtail went to see to, I mean. Poor Charity Burbage. We finally learn her name, and a page later, she snuffs it. Sounds like she was a fairly cool person, though. And now she's snake kibble.

Heh, Remus/Tonks. I'm weirdly...interested. I want to like the ship. I really didn't after HBP, not because of Sirius but because both Remus and Tonks were so damn pathetic. But if Rowling can redeem them here, I'm prepared to be okay with their togetherness. In the end, I want them to be happy and if they make each other happy, okay.

I'm always going to prefer Sirius/Remus, but Remus/Tonks doesn't negate the possibility. At least, not yet.

I'm probably not going to get much reading done this weekend, since Brother #1 is on his way over for a visit.

hp: deathly hallows

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