(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 12:56

Got three hours of sleep. If I hadn't called in sick at 7, I'd have gotten none. I want to use this extra day to get things done - such as sending out transcripts and writing my femgenficathon story. But I can't even read straight. How am I supposed to make important life decisions?

I have four grad schools on my list. Trying to decide if I want to add a fifth.

University of Rhode Island
Simmons College
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
University of Western Ontario

Maybe I should apply to a second uni in Canada.

Milwaukee would make the most sense, as I'd get to pay in-state tuition. But if RI or Simmons give me a scholarship...I am so there. Lots of other places look good (University of Washington, University of Colorado in Denver, University of Wisconsin in Madison) but dude, I can't wait until next autumn or even next summer. I want something that starts in January...or spring, at the very latest. Gotta get out of here.

Mentioned strawberry pies to someone, and now I really want one. Like, now.
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