(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 22:43

Oh, Tara. She is just the coolest person this entire season. (I haven't reached her death, yet. The last episode I watched was "As You Were.") I adore her. She's become so strong, so confident. I squealed a little when she dealt with Spike during "Older and Faraway."

Dammit, Joss.

Xander's doing pretty well for himself, too. I like that box he made for Buffy. It's great seeing some characters succeed, even though I know they're going to fall on their faces eventually.


"As You Were."

What the hell?

No. No, no, no. It's not that I love Riley, though of all Buffy's boyfriends, he was the most...pleasant, let's say. But that was so...lame. So contrived, too. And his wife? Ugh. She was awful. Guys, a character can't be that good without being a monster in disguise. If you want a character to play an obnoxious role but still be irresistible, she's got to have some flaws.

If Riley ditched her, or if she died, and he turned up in S8 looking for redemption... I'd be okay with that.

But I am liking is this exploration of the downside of being a super hero. The writers did that before, but I'm okay with the continuation. My heart aches for Buffy, who's working a crappy job and has just been rejected by the university, because she deserves so much better. But how in the world would she fit a job, school, looking after Dawn, and slaying into her life? That's one of the reasons I like the comics. They're not fantastic, but it's nice seeing Buffy so upbeat and in charge. (We haven't been told yet how she affords the castle in Scotland, but whatever. Maybe the Watchers Council had some hidden funds.)

Mmm, Buffy Summers and Jack Harkness. Except, I don't know about his views on monogamy. Though maybe she's not interested in something long term at this point. Actually, that would be kind of cool. They're both Americans living in Britain. They're both heads of semi-secret organizations. They've both died. More than once.

It was really funny. It's the second film I've seen in under a month that's ended with a woman finding perfect happiness and contentment almost immediately after giving birth. If only. I've been trying to think of films that show the other side and I can't. I haven't been trying that hard, though.

tv: buffy

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