(no subject)

Mar 09, 2007 09:01

Thanks for helping me sort out my tags yesterday. I'm in the process of organizing my stories by year, fandom, and - in some cases - ship (or lack thereof) and main character. I have stuff from 2000. I feel old. I have a Catcher in the Rye story from 1995/4. But that was written for school, so I'm not sure it counts. But it's there. (Under the fic2000 tag, because I didn't want it to be all alone.)

Oh my god, I've written a lot. Except that, since about 2003, nearly all my stories have been very short.


1. How do you feel about Dumbledore's avoidance of Harry in OotP?

He gave his reasons, but I still think his actions were cold, irresponsible, and ultimately disastrous.

2. Name a favorite crackpot Potter theory.

Favorite as in something I wish would happen, or favorite as in the thing I like to laugh at most? I'll go with the latter. Snape is the true woobie hero of the books, and before the end, everyone will realize how very misunderstood he is and repent and love him evermore. Or something.

3. Do you think Sirius (consciously or not) mistaking Harry for James actually caused more harm than good?

Well, I'm not convinced that he did mistake Harry for his father, so I can't answer that question. I think that the sight of Harry made him feel James's loss more keenly, but we only have Molly and Hermione insisting that Sirius occasionally mistakes Harry for James, and they're not always right.

4. Tonks: Love her, hate her, or somewhere in-between?

Like her. I think she has a lot of potential that, unfortunately, was squandered in HBP. But I enjoy writing about her, and reading good fan fiction about her.

5. What Hogwarts house would you definitely NOT belong in?

Slytherin. I'm not very ambitious, not very crafty, and I'm not interested in blood purity or tradition. Besides, except for Slughorn maybe, I don't think I'd get along with anyone connected with that house.


Don't you just love the first rainfall of the year? Okay, well, I do. Not icy, freezing rain, but real rain that washes away that last clumps of dirty snow. There's something so refreshing about it, like having a good cry after a sad book or movie.

Not that it's raining right now. It was, briefly, as I was driving along the river to work, and I started thinking about how much I like ferocious rainstorms in the spring and summer. Provided I don't have to drive in them.

I'm seeing Camelot tomorrow, with Michael York. Then Sunday I'm seeing a reinterpretation of Mozart's Don Giovanni. Should be interesting. So much culture in one weekend! My goodness.

And at some point I need to finish my tenyearsofbuffy fic and start my Remix because MEEP. At least I know which story I'm remixing.

oh fandom

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