Fics About Chicks

Mar 08, 2007 17:48

It's International Women's Day, and I noticed some people posting lists of fics about chicks, so here are some of mine.


Gundam Wing. When Marie Maia declares war on the Earth and Colonies, the colonists seek to re-arm themselves. The Gundam pilots and Preventers are off doing their thing, so it's up to Hilde to save the universe. Howard helps a little. (PG-13, Hilde/Duo)

River From the Sea

Prydain. Princess Eilonwy daughter of Angharad daughter of Regat, tells her ancestors to STFU. Only, more genteel. (PG, shipless with a small side of Eilonwy/Taran)


Gilmore Girls. Paris Geller is very, very competetive. (R, Paris/Rory, totally Jossed, but whatever)

Brian and Rebecca

Ivanhoe. Rebecca of York receives troubling news from England, and confronts a ghost. (PG, Brian has the hots for Rebecca, but he's a little too dead for her.)

Expected and Unexpected

HP. Minerva McGonagall and Luna Lovegood size each other up. (PG, no ships)


HP. Hermione is determined to make some changes at the Ministry of Magic. (PG, a side of Hermione/Ron)

The Amazing Bust of Nymphadora Tonks

HP. Tonks talks candidly about her adolescence, which was less fun for a Metamorphmagus than you might think. But she's so over it. (PG, no ships)

My Sweetest Downfall

HP. Ginny won't back down. This is from Harry's POV (and yes, it's shippy, and probably rated PG-13 for the things Ron and Hermione do in the background) but I really like my portrayal of Ginny here.

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