Supernatural: S1/e 20, 21, 22

Dec 16, 2006 22:55

Oh, shit. I totally saw that coming. Still, pretty damn cool. Did possessed!Meg kill the dog?? It seemed like she had, but no one seemed concerned as Sam and Dean were leaving.

Oh, Dean. I love how he's all tough and rugged, yet he can talk about his feelings with his brother. Aww.

The vampires in "Dead Man's Blood" were actually cooler than I thought they'd be. I mean, I like that the writers to go the creative route. It made them creepier than Buffy's vampires, though that may also be because BtVS is more tongue-in-cheek.

I don't want John to die. I like him and his arrogant, single-minded altruism. He spent his sons' college funds on ammo? Dude, not cool.

I'm sleepy, so that's all I have to say right now. That and I want S2.

Thank you so much for lending me the DVDs, regala_electra! They'll be on their way back to you early next week. I just pop them in the envelope and drop them in a box, right?


As for the R/S fic... Er. I have a title. And an outline! I'm using an outline this time! I like it, too. Go me. The battle is a third done.
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