1. Copying this from
vr2lbast: Ask me anything about my stories and/or writing process: inspiration, process, characters, what the hell was I thinking, etc. No limit on questions, just ask away.
Prompts are up for claiming at
humbuggery. There are some good ones from a variety of fandoms (mostly HP, some Buffyverse, West Wing, Firefly, Highlander, Gundam Wing, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, Smallville...and others that I've forgotten).
3. My Remus/Jenny story is giving me grief. It won't let me write it. I'm blaming Remus for my mental block.
4. I posted a fic!
Things You Can't Do in a Library. (HP, Harry/Ginny, PG, set during HBP.) Sort of fluffy, which was a nice change for me, since most of my H/G fics are angsty.
5. Oh, and in case you missed them, I posted these fics last month:
Accidents Happen (HP, mostly shipless with some H/G, PG, set some time after HBP)
Expected and Unexpected (HP, shipless, McGonagall-centric, set mostly before CoS)
6. When do we turn the clocks back? Is it tonight or tomorrow night? (Yay, I get to sleep later on Sunday!)
7. I'm nearly done with Madeleine L'Engle's "A Ring of Endless Light." I'm loving it except for Rob, whom I want to chuck into the sea. I hate precocious children in fiction, and he is one, with his innocent wisdom and sensitivity. *growl* I hated Charles Wallace until "A Swiftly Tilting Planet," when he was more or less grown up and cool. That's one of the reasons I was drawn to the Harry Potter books. Hermione was precocious, but it was different with her, because Harry and Ron weren't enchanted with her at first. (Heh. They're still not, much of the time.) The kids get excited about sports and told snot jokes. Brilliant. :)
7a. I love Zachary. He's totally wrong for Vicky, but he's so messed up. I hope he turns out okay.
8. Off to the gym. Then supper. Then another Grey's Anatomy binge. Then the fic. *grapples with it*