Humbuggery's First Official Challenge: prompts!

Oct 26, 2006 23:26

Thanks so much to everyone who submitted prompts! We've got some good ones, from a variety of fandoms for a variety of holidays.

Each prompt can be claimed twice. Whether we end up with two fics, two pieces of artwork, or one of each doesn't matter. Everyone has her own interpretation, so I don't think there's much chance of identical pieces. Some of these prompts could work in other fandoms. If you'd like to mix and match, go ahead.

Stories should be at least 500 words in length. (Since pictures are worth 1000 words, does that mean they need only be half as good as they would be normally? /pointlessness) There's no maximum.

You can post any time, but everything is due on Valentine's Day. Because that gives us lots of time and Valentine's Day is usually the most sucktastic holiday of all.

Post anywhere you like, but please provide a link here at humbuggery.

Please provide the following information when you post: fandom, title of story, your name, characters/ships, rating, brief summary. Please use a cut, regardless of length.


1. This is about how holidays SUCK.
2. Holidays suck, not the people who celebrate them.
3. Don't stress! Have fun!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: the Series:

1. Willow gets cast in the elementary school Christmas pageant. Her parents are Not Pleased. Claimed by kit-maxel

2. Xander and/or Willow watching the seasonal Snoopy show.

3. Do Jewish vampires have an aversion to crosses? Willow finds out one Hanukkah night.

4. Faith spends Christmas in jail. That can't be much fun.

5. Cordelia decides to spread some holiday cheer by sprucing up Angel's office. claimed by thistlerose and cinnamon_sakaki

Doctor Who:

1. Christmas dinner at the Tylers' post-Christmas Invasion

Final Fantasy VII:

1. The worst part about New Year's is not Cloud's lack of anyone to kiss in Nibelheim, but all of the snow he has to trudge through to get anywhere in the village. Of course, seeing all of the happy, shiny people smooching in dark corners doesn't help, either.


1. "They took away Christmas," said River.

Gilmore Girls:

1. Luke secretly likes Christmas. But when Taylor exhorts him to get involved in the Stars Hollow Christmas pageant (or whatever) he feels distinct grinchly urges.

Gundam Wing:

1. Halloween vs. Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't annoy Hilde.

Harry Potter:

1. Sirius didn't know that the Christmas tree needed to be watered. Claimed by phoenixw

2. Christmas Eve in #12 Grimmauld Place during the events of book 5, OR Christmas Eve at the Weasleys book 6. --- Who's tiptoing around to do what late in the evening. Who's had too much mulled wine or rum punch. Who is listening in on a secret conversation. Who is trying to end up in who's room for the night. Bonus points for practical jokes and shenanigans at Harry's expense. Extra bonus points for Remus ending up with someone in a compromising act.

3. In 1972, the full moon was on December 25th. That could not have been much fun for Remus Lupin.

4. In HBP, Tonks spends Christmas alone - or so we're told. Did she really sit around her apartment moping, or did she find something exciting to do?

5. In GoF, Sirius - presumably - spent Christmas in a cave in northern Scotland. That could not have been much fun. Or could it?

6. It's hard enough for a newly-wed couple to mix his family holiday traditions with her(or other his) family holiday traditions, but when one is from a muggle family and the other is from a wizard family, it gets doubly hard.

7. Valentine's can sink no lower for Hagrid, or can it? Think Book Four where his attempts at romance are a little off: flowers are all wrong, his hair is a mess, the person he likes doesn't like him back, his efforts are laughed at, etc.

8. Hermione decides to make Valentines for the Hogwarts house elves. One of them takes her a little too seriously, and wonders if he's being courted...

9. We saw a little of Neville's Christmas visit to his parents in OotP, but what about the things we didn't see? What happens when Neville gets home to Gran's? claimed by bryonyraven

10. The Hogsmeade weekend before Christmas, Hermione and Luna spot a mysterious, red-cloaked old man ducking out of an alley. In the alley is a poorly concealed flying sleigh led by eight enchanted reindeer. Could it be Santa Claus? Or perhaps a clever wizard pulling off the greatest scam in the history of the magical world? Hermione and Luna set out to discover the truth and settle a debate about the existance of Santa.

11. Hermione decides to boycott Christmas when she finds out about the thousands of house elves working round-the-clock in Santa Claus's toyshop. But being politically correct can get lonely.

12. The worst gift ever. Claimed by minnow_53

13. The Weasley twins have been burned by their last relationship or relationships. They conspire to secretly alter the recipe for their best selling St Valentine's Day product -- boxes of chocolates spiked with a mild love potion. The alteration could be one that creates disdain rather than love or it could be a much more potent love potion or something entirely different. Or there could be a number of stories with different alterations. Or the twins could each do something different to the potion making for some unpredictable result. One prompt many possibilities!

14. Sirius' last Christmas at home before running away. Bonus points for a not quite mad yet Mrs Black and an appearance of Phineas Claimed by 3goodtimes

15. Nearly Headless Nick tries to come through on All Hallows Eve

16. Molly and/or Arthur Weasley face yet another Christmas without their son(s).

17. Hallowe'en and All Saints bring back dark memories for many people in the wizarding world.

18. Luna vs. the Nargles claimed by cranberry_crash


1. Methos recalls the real story of the first Christmas or the first Hanukkah. Joe as listener is a plus. claimed by gehayi

Highlander/Crossing Jordan:

1. Halloween never fails to bring out the weirdos: how else to explain corpses vanishing from the morgue.

Lord of the Rings:

Winter Solstice is nothing more than Nature's way to cut back on the daylight hours, limiting the elflings' playtime.


1. If Easter is all about resurrection from a fate everyone thought sealed, where was Clark's (or Lana's or Lex's, or whomever you choose) miracle in regards to his/her diasterous visit to church on Easter Sunday? Think: some sort of "fall" for your character. You know, a fall from grace or some sort of situation where the character is presumed to be dead or evil.

Star Wars:

1. Anakin and Obi-Wan's visit to a planet where the Summer Solstice is a time for frolicking and sweet summer love makes Anakin question his path in life.

Stargate: Atlantis:

1. "Kiss me I'm Irish" is an understatement where the expedition team is concerned on St. Paddy's Day. What is a Scotsman *cough* Carson Beckett, Rodney McKay (by way of actual family descent, not birth country), Your Original Character *cough* to do in such a "green" atmosphere?

Stargate SG-1

1. Daniel isn't fond of Thanksgiving, what with the way Native Americans were treated and all. Highlight his lack of family as well. Feel free to go as deep into his history-loving personality as you want.


1. John bans young Dean and Sam from ever trick-or-treating at Halloween. But why? Claimed by beckaandzac

Tamora Pierce (Alanna-verse):

1. Alanna's Christmas with the Bazhir post Song of the Lioness

2. A celebration with the Yamani - maybe one of the poetry circles mentioned in Lady Knight.

3. A trational celebration with the raka. Either post or duriong Trickster's Choice/Trickster's Queen

4. Daine goes back to the Immortal Realms in the first equinox after the Immortals war. SHe still can't used to how Sarra has changed.


1. Selene has a hard time letting go of her human Christmas traditions, only to find that maybe they aren't worth holding onto anyway.

Veronica Mars:

1. It's All Hallow's Eve in Neptune, and Veronica Mars is out to solve the most important case of her young life: Who. Stole. Her Halloween. Stash. Bonus points for Weevil as a ballerina. claimed by dmitchell1985">

2. Keith's first Christmas without Veronica.

Vorkosiverse (Lois McMaster Bujold):

1. Not everybody gets Winterfair gifts.

The West Wing:

1. Since Josh is Jewish, Donna decides that he ought to get her eight gifts. Alternately, Donna tries to pick out eight gifts for Josh.


1. "Spread the Christmas cheer!" ordered a stuffed possum.
Jaye stared at it. "I'm Jewish."
"Spread the Christmas cheer!" it insisted.

X-men (comics) :

1. In the future, there's a new holiday, and (Bishop or Cable or Rachel or any other time-traveller) insists it has to be celebrated

X-Men (movies) :

1. Erik doesn't celebrate. Ever.


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