did my heart love till now?

Nov 12, 2004 20:57

Watching Shakespeare in Love. I love this movie. So much. So very very very much. The historical inaccuracies just make me laugh because Tom Stoppard's probably laughing at them, too. Joseph Fiennes is more beautiful than any one man has any right to be. *lusts* I almost feel like I'm on a date. ^_______^

ETA: If I could write the beauty of his eyes, I was born to look in them and know myself. *swoon* First and only celebrity crush, I'll have you know. (Well, my fascination with John Lennon didn't count because he's dead.)

God, I love the ending of that movie. The woman who inspired the most talented playwrite of all time, leaving her entire life behind and walking alone up an unknown shore, her head high... Hee. When I was in Australia I used to walk along the beaches and toss my hair around like I was Viola discovering my own brave new world.

(I warned you I'm a dork. ^____^)
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