Is anyone else watching "Galavant"? It's cute so far! I called my BFF tonight to ask - among other things - if she was watching the show, and the first thing she said to me was, "Hi, Rachel - btw, are you watching 'Galavant'?" It's like we've known each other for 34 years or something.
Returning to work wasn't too bad. Classes don't start until Saturday, so we're mostly just dealing with spiffying up the library for spring semester.
I saw "Into the Woods" yesterday, and liked it. I'm not a big Sondheim fan, but I thought it was really well done ... though some characters' story lines ended kind of abruptly.
Specifically the baker's wife. I know she dies in the original play, but I've never seen that. So it seemed like they didn't know what else to do with her. She'd broken her marriage vows, but she was sorry, so she needed a redemption story, but there wasn't time for that, so they killed her. Also, Rapunzel and her prince just kid of disappeared, but they were secondary characters. But apart from that, I liked it!
When did it become acceptable to talk in the theater? I'm not even talking about small children, who might not know better. (I save my animosity for the parents.) I mean grown-ass people. The twenty-somethings behind me when I saw "Into the Woods" kept talking. There was a small group of teenagers behind me when I saw "The Battle of Five Armies" and they couldn't keep their mouths shut. And, most bizarre of all, when I went to see "On the Town" on Broadway last week, the elderly couple next to me WOULD NOT SHUT UP, even after I asked them to. What the everlasting fuck, people. You're not in your living room. It's rude to the performers (if it's a live show) and rude to the other audience members (in all cases).
There are plenty of places where it's acceptable to talk. The theater isn't one. If you can't save it until after, watch a movie at home.