(no subject)

Oct 08, 2013 09:44

Dear Yuletide Author,

Thank you in advance for writing me a story! I'm very excited. (Yay, stories!) I mentioned a few possible ideas in my sign up form, but please feel free to go poking around my journal and/or my AO3 page for more.

A few general likes and dislikes, not related to any particular fandom.

Things I'm really a big fan of

Banter. Competitive/bickering couples (platonic or romantic) who secretly love each other, even if they don't know how to spit it out (examples: Han & Leia, Ron & Hermione, Beatrice & Benedick, Legolas & Gimli, Spock & McCoy, etc.). Hot, messy sex, fun (though I generally like *some* plot with my porn). Redemption stories. History. (I'm a geek for medieval history. Feel free to use that!) A strong sense of place. Backstory. Friends evolving into lovers. Lovers who are also friends. Essentially good people faced with difficult situations/choices. Strong women. (And by strong, I mean interesting. Richly drawn. Nuanced. Not necessarily constantly going around kicking baddies in the balls. Though that can be fun too!) Emotional vulnerability. Hurt/comfort (with the emphasis on the comfort). Angst (but not despair). Uplifting (but not maudlin) endings. Subverting tropes. The sort of AU that explores how one small change might affect the course of events. Sibling relationships. Non-siblings who love each other as if they were. The families we choose.

Things I'm NOT a big fan of

Death. (A few of the fandoms I chose involve death, and that's fine. There's no need to alter canon or pretend something didn't happen. But I don't want a story that's ALL about death, or that has long, drawn-out deaths.) Graphic depictions of violence, including rape. (Though if you're writing Richard/Anne and want to touch on Anne's feelings after having been married to Edward of Lancaster, that's fine.) Schmoop/excess fluff. Scenes of childbirth. Kidfic (unless it's about the main character's own childhood, and isn't too maudlin). The sort of AU where everyone works in a present-day coffee shop or whatever. Really kinky sex. Anything bad happening to an animal. Really dark stuff. Incest. Religious overtones. (Though, obviously, some of the character I requested are religious and that's fine. And, obviously, if you're writing Wonder Woman, the Greek pantheon actually exists and that's more than fine!)

Regarding pairings

I like m/m, f/f, and m/f. In general, I prefer canon pairings, though I'd be fine with Lal/Lukassa and Diana/whoever makes sense.

Finally, I'm not religious and I don't celebrate Christmas. I love winter settings (falling snow, bare trees, snuggling under a warm blanket, that knife-edged chill in the air, etc.) but I'd prefer a story without a lot of holiday elements - unless it absolutely makes sense in the canon. Which is not to say that the characters shouldn't celebrate their holidays, just that I'd prefer it not be the focus.

I hope I'm not being too picky. I'm really very excited to read whatever you write for me. Thank you again!!
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