(no subject)

Sep 11, 2013 13:47

And still she said, I will find you, I will find you (1205 words) by Thistlerose
Fandom: The White Queen (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Anne Neville/Richard III
Anne Neville can't lie still in her grave. So she goes to find Richard.


So, yeah, I wrote another thing. This is the odd little ghost story I was talking about before. I like it, even though it's odd. I've decided to put all my Plantagenet-related stories under the same tag, regardless of fandom. There aren't so many of them that it'll be confusing, and they're all about the same family. So, right now, all my Lion in Winter, Adventures of Robin Hood, and The White Queen stories are under my one fic: plantagenets tag.

(Basically, my fascination with the War of the Roses - and Richard III, though the above story is more about Anne Neville - goes like this: I discovered Shakespeare when I was sixteen or seventeen. I heard a rumor we were going to be reading "Richard III" and a couple of others the following semester, so I decided to bone up. Richard captured my imagination because he's SO FUCKING EVIL. And, unlike Iago, Macbeth, and Edmund, who are trying to ruin basically good people, the people Richard's fucking with are pretty dickish themselves. So he was fairly easy to root for. I was nattering to someone - I forget whom - about this, and she was all, "Oh yeah? DIG DEEPER." So I borrowed a history book from the library and I dug deeper, and I became fascinated with how historical events are portrayed in fiction, and why they're portrayed a certain way, and how you should always DIG DEEPER. And then I read "The Daughter of Time" and "The Sunne in Splendour" and yeah. *brandishes a white rose*)

Anyway, this story utilizes a theme that tends to pop up in my stories: one character is in trouble, and another character becomes hell-bent on getting them out of trouble. Although this one is special because (SPOILER!) everyone's already dead.


So now that I've gotten that off my chest - for now - I can get back to Santana and Brittany, who are still in Alabama, enjoying delicious pulled pork and trying not to melt. (They're there in August.) Speaking of characters who hit me in the id, I love Santana. She's a jerk with a heart of gold (at least where Brittany's concerned).


It's 92 degrees, but they're telling me it feels like 98. Greeeeeat. Isn't it September? In New England?? It's stuffy in the library; I'm so glad I cranked up the AC for the cats before I left this afternoon.


I've read books!

What I just finished reading:

Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu by Laurence Bergreen. I love travel logs. This one was interesting and well written, and almost as much about Kublai Khan as it was about Marco Polo. I do wish the author had written a bit more about how Marco's various journeys benefited Italy - Venice, specifically. Most of the book is about a white guy's observations of non-white culture. Though, to Marco's credit I guess, he's looking to learn - and probably make a buck, since he's a merchant and all - rather than subjugate. I mean, Kublai Khan wants to subjugate people (and he does). I'm not describing it well. I wanted more about why I should care about this one white guy's observations. And MAPS. There should have been many, many, MANY more maps.

The Thirteen Clocks by James Thurber. I've read this four or five times now, but I was in the mood. For the first time, it occurred to me that the Cold Duke of Coffin Castle is basically a caricature of Richard III. (Well, he locks some children up in a tower, he makes a move on his niece, and he has a number of physical disabilities.) I love this book, even if the solution is fairly simple. Thurber's language is delightful.

What I'm reading now:

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. It sounded fun, and it's the High Holy Days, so I was in the mood for something with a somewhat religious bent. So far, I've only read a chapter and a half, but I'm enjoying it.

The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey. Another one I've read four or five times, but I'm in the mood.

What I'm going to read next:

I don't knooooooow. It might be time for more Miles Vorkosigan. I think I'm up to either "Falling Free" or "Brothers In Arms."

fic: plantagenets, fic: 2013

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