(no subject)

Sep 09, 2013 21:45

The story I just finished is probably the oddest I've ever written. No, I take that back. Eyebrow sex and brain sex. Third oddest, then. I don't know. I have to tweak it some more. It's a ghost story, and all my ghost stories are odd.

Ugh, tenses are driving me crazy, though. I'm usually good with grammar, but I'm not sure what works best here. Most of the story is in the past tense, but it ends with the protagonist thinking about what she'll do in the future. So I'm not sure if it should be, "When X HAPPENED, she WOULD do Y" or "When X HAPPENS, she WILL do Y." I'm waffling over what IS right and what SOUNDS right.

My cousin's driving up in a couple of weeks, and we're going to go to Bennington, which I've been aching to see since I drove through it in August. I want to see the battlefield monument and the graveyard. She's been talking about these amazing restaurants, where she ate the last time she was there. She said it's funny that she can remember this incredible omelette she had in Bennington many years ago, but she can't recall what she ate last week. And I said I understood, because I'm still haunted - in a good way - by things I ate in Italy and Paris and Thailand. (Not so much in Scotland. *g*) I can recall meals I ate over a decade ago. *sigh*

Ugh, now I'm thinking about this gnocchi I had in Venice. It was made with smoked ricota cheese, and I was skeptical at first, but the waitress assured me it was amazing, and she was so, so right.

(I wonder how hard it would be to make gnocchi.)

Now I'm hungry again.

Anyway, I finished the story. Wheee! Now I can get back to Santana and Brittany and their road trip. They're in Alabama now, heading to Florida.

Thanks, btw, for the country music suggestions!
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