(no subject)

Aug 27, 2011 09:26

Still not sure where I'm going to be living next month, which is kind of freaking me out.

The other night, Mom and I went for teppanyaki, which was a lot of fun and incredibly delicious. All that time in Japan, and I never had teppanyaki before this week.

Looking at maps of New York and which areas Irene is supposed to hit. My father in Queens and my cousins in Brooklyn appear to be far enough inland, so that's good. Hope the rest of you guys are safe or on your way to someplace safe!

Not sure what to read next. My choice is between the fifth book in The Dark Tower series and the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy.

X-Men fic is finished, except for the title. I can't post it until I have a title I like. :P (It's the one where Havok and Darwin are stuck in a cave, and Darwin's mutation is incredibly helpful while Havok's is totally useless.)
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