(no subject)

May 02, 2011 20:58

Eeee, I love all my remixes! I mean the ones that were written for me. They are:

Option #2
Star Trek: AOS | Kirk/McCoy | teen | This is Bones trying to keep Jim from having a nervous breakdown after he learns he's being given the Enterprise. It's such a sweet moment. Bones is so attuned to Jim, but he can still rib him a little. ♥

Orpheus in the Underground (Dark Minuet)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Xander, Faith | teen | Xander and Faith deal with the aftermath of Angel's battle with Wolfram and Hart. Loved Xander's voice here, and his dialog with Faith. ♥

Man's Best Friend (The Dog Days Are Here Again Remix)
Battlestar Galactica Reboot | Gaeta, Jake | general audiences | Jake leaves Romo Lampkin for Felix Gaeta. From Jake's POV. Adorable. ♥

Out With the Old (the Made for TV Prophetic Remix)
BtVS/Supernatural crossover | Dean/Buffy, Sam, Dawn | teen | This one made me laugh out loud. It's very tongue-in-cheek. Younger sibling solidarity! ♥

Read! Leave comments for the authors!

Also, the offer still stands. If you can guess at least one of the three I wrote, I'll write you a ficlet. (Comments screened.)

recs: fan fiction

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