(no subject)

Dec 27, 2010 17:23

I was going to post another rant today (got a rejection letter from a place that should have hired me, I hate my sister, I feel useless, OMG) but ... I need to simmer down. *deep breath*

I posted a story yesterday: Something New (ST: AOS | Kirk/McCoy | very adult | 1,300 words) but - I posted it to a locked community. Which I forgot about until this morning. Oops. Though I guess if you're looking for Kirk/McCoy porn, you're probably a member of jim_and_bones anyway. I'll probably repost it somewhere else eventually. Or not. That was seriously the filthiest thing I've ever written. And it still ended up being kind of sweet. *facepalm*

So, what else did I do today? I applied for two jobs in Illinois, which I probably won't get. I worked on an application for a job in Iowa, which I probably won't get. I alphabetized my DVD collection. I read. (I'm reading Wizard And Glass by Stephen King and Death By Black Hole by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, whom I wish could have been my physics teacher in high school - he's so adorable.)

It snowed again last night, and it was really sparkly snow. (And it's up to about mid-thigh now.) So I took pictures.

Sparkly snow!

I was going to bring Uhura and make it a nice OT4 story, but she's wearing that tiny skirt. :(

My (bourbon) balls bring all the boys to the yard.

Speaking of boys and balls, I'm rethinking my plan to not look for a boyfriend until I have a full-time job.

toy stories, photos

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