(no subject)

Dec 26, 2010 22:44

I don't know what is going on. I keep saying I'm going to take a break from writing, and then I sit down and write something. I just posted some straight-up porn to jim_and_bones (I'll post it here eventually) that just sort of ... happened. Okay, well. I've spent the last week or so writing about magical princesses (seriously, three of the six stories I wrote for Yuletide and fandom_stocking involve princesses, and only two are magical - which is a hint, if you're trying to guess which YT stories are mine) and sugar frosting and whatever, so ... I needed to write something rather debauched.

But tomorrow I really need to get to work on my where_no_woman story because EEP. 2010 has only five days left!!

First, though. That end-of-the-year writing meme is going around my flist again, and I love doing that one.

Leitmotif of the year: Uh. People need other people. Not always, I guess, but sometimes they're nice.

Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I can't think of anything. Honestly, even the stories I thought people would run away screaming from where pretty successful, so I'm happy.

Most fun story to write: Thursday's Child (ST AOS | all ages | Spock, McCoy gen) was a lot of fun, and the premise (a bunch of well-meaning aliens think they can get Spock and McCoy to stop bickering by genetically engineering a baby for them) still makes me giggle.

Story with the single sexiest moment: Not, IMO, the story I just posted, but McCoy drawling to Uhura, "Spread your legs for me, darlin'." NNNNGGGgggg. (Sing Me Something Brave From Your Mouth | Star Trek AOS | Adult | McCoy/Uhura)

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Gotta go with what I did to poor Kirk in Consumed (Star Trek: AOS | Adult - mind the warnings | Kirk, McCoy, Spock gen)

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Probably Consumed again, since I'd never really thought about how lonely and isolating being the captain, especially at such a young age and after a lonely childhood, must be.

Though, in writing You Say That Now, But (Star Trek: AOS | teen | Kirk/Sulu) I finally came up with a background for Sulu that works for me.

Hardest story to write: Let It Shine (Star Trek: AOS | teen | Kirk/McCoy, Winona) adjfhakjdhfakjhfa. And I don't. know. why. I wrestled with that story for a month and a half, after brainstorming it for like a month. And it was my own prompt! What the hell? I absolutely hated it until about two minutes before I posted it. My beta reader had to talk me down from a ledge, seriously.

Now, of course, I love it!

But two weeks ago, I wanted to KILL IT WITH FIRE.

Easiest story to write: A Sensible Alternative (Star Trek: AOS | teen | Kirk, McCoy gen) came out of a conversation with my frequent beta reader, lauriegilbert. After all the hair-tearing I did over my first Chanukah story, I'm amazed by how easily this one was written. I wrote about 3k in a matter of hours, and I think it's pretty good! Wtf.

Best story of the year: Left Alone To Wander (Star Trek: AOS | teen | Sam, Jim, Winona gen)

For all intents and purposes, Sam Kirk is an original character (kind of the way Joanna McCoy is) AND I LOVE THE CRAP OUT OF HIM. There, I said it.

Also, I wrote it while my own younger brother was getting ready to deploy to Iraq, and he's the Jim to my Sam, so. (Though I wasn't as mean to Dan as Sam is to Jim.)

Truest story of the year: God Help You If You Are A Phoenix (Star Trek: AOS | teen(ish) | Gaila, Uhura gen). I like to think that's how anyone would react, reuniting with a friend you thought you'd lost.

Biggest disappointment: I didn't write a Big Bang this year, and I really wanted to. Oh, well. Next year! Also, I still haven't finished my Pern AU epic, and probably won't at this point. Sad. :(

Biggest surprise: I thought I was completely done with Harry Potter, but Don't Look Back (HP | all ages | Harry/Ginny) proved me wrong!

Most unintentionally telling story: I don't know that it was unintentional, but probably The Pilgrim Soul In You (Star Trek: AOS | teen | mostly McCoy gen, with Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Spock Prime/McCoy Prime). I mean, there's my leitmotif right there. Over the years, McCoy is there for people, and then, when he doesn't expect it at all, people are there for him. Also, I still think the ring is cool.

Favorite opening line(s):

She goes to Spock’s quarters because her own are full of Gaila’s things, and she can’t face that right now. She spent twenty minutes holding a cherry-red satin pump and - she can’t.
From Morning Finds You Still Warm And Breathing (Star Trek: AOS | adult | Spock/Uhura)

There’d been a plan at some point. Jim couldn’t recall the exact details, but he was pretty sure falling into the Lily Sloane Memorial Fountain had not been part of it. Should’ve been, though, since the sight of Bones doing the backstroke around Ms. Sloane, in all her marble austerity, was pretty damn funny. So much so that, after a few minutes of standing there, laughing his ass off, Jim toed off his boots and jumped in with him.
From All My Roads, They Lead To You (Star Trek: AOS | adult | Kirk/McCoy)

Favorite closing line:

But she doesn’t die. She doesn’t die, Masters doesn’t let go, and she can feel the floor beneath her feet as she keeps going, and begins to hope.
From If You Can't Crawl (Star Trek: AOS | teen | Gaila, Charlene Masters gen)

She should have felt regret. For all the time she’d spent chasing something that had never been part of her destiny. For all the ways Jim had been hurt. But when she inhaled, all she tasted was the pure, cold sweetness of the air, and all she felt was free. Impulsively, she grabbed Jim’s hand and clasped it between hers. He didn’t flinch.

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

“I don’t know,” he said, looking at her, then looking away quickly. Not so quickly that she missed the sudden startled flutter of his lashes. “Yeah, maybe. Probably. Sometime when I wasn’t listening.”

“Well, buddy,” she said, “listen good.”
From Darkness Always Gets There First (Star Trek: AOS | teen | Winona, Jim, gen)

Favorite line(s) from anywhere:

Spread your legs for me, darlin' Hee.

Then Jim says, “I’m not afraid of dying. I’m not even afraid of dying alone. But I don’t want to be nothing. I don’t want to go through life and not have it mean something. At the same time, I don’t want to be something just because it’s what people expect me to be because of my father. People expect me to be something. Captain of a starship. Some kind of hero. And that’s great. That’s a great destiny. But they don’t know me. They think they know me because of my father, but they don’t know me at all. That’s what terrifies me.”
From Armed With Every Precious Failure

"You are like a brother to me. Your pain is my pain."
From Consumed

“I’m going to take the test again, you’re coming with me, and I’m going to beat it. Because there’s no way I’m dragging your precious ass into space if I can’t beat that fucking test.”
From If And When (Star Trek: AOS | adult(ish) | Kirk/McCoy)

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to:

- My WNW fic
- All the ficlets I said I'd write back in July *facepalm*
- The story I promised maypirate, where Sulu and Jim hole up in Sulu's parents' apartment, and they spend a lot of time making out and not talking about their feelings
- A sequel to This is Why We're On The Edge (Star Trek: AOS | adult | Kirk/McCoy), which will probably be next year's Big Bang
- A TOS OT3 fic
- the Francis/Philippa (Lymond Chronicles) story I keep requesting through Yuletide, but never get (though I love everything I have gotten tremendously!)

Goals for next year

Write something original, damn it. Left Alone To Wander (and Bloom And Grow from last year) got me interested in writing YA lit again. After borrowing a bunch of YA novels from a friend, I realize there's some good, interesting, topical stuff out there. I could do zat. Maybe.

Anyway. I'm adding a question, because I want to.

Top Five Stories From 2010

Armed With Every Precious Failure

This story includes some of my best dialog all year, and I'm really happy with the parallels I drew between Kirk and McCoy's daddy issues. Plus I like the idea that they're really drawn to each other from the get-go, but spend a while kind of circling each other warily. Their insecurities sort of explode out of them, but then it all ends well. :)

The Pilgrim Soul In You

It's basically a love letter to Dr. McCoy. *g* I wanted to write a story where he gets to be a good doctor, and tries at least to be a good son, father, and friend. (I'd say husband, but we don't see Jocelyn in this.) It also includes my three favorite ships, so that was nice! I see it as a partner fic of sorts to "Down The Long Corridors of Air" from last year. Though the two don't even allude to each other (except for the Prime 'verse Spock/McCoy element).

Morning Finds You Still Warm And Breathing

I think this is the Spock/Uhura story I've been wanting to write since I first saw XI. It just took me a while to figure out how to write it. And how to write the Spock sex. I'm also really happy with my characterization of Uhura. In the wake of the Narada stuff, she's feeling very vulnerable, but she's determined to appear stoic. As is Spock, of course.


Mwahaha. Um. I was trying things I'd never done before - horror and mpreg (kind of)! It ended up being about loneliness and brotherly (and sisterly!) love and I'm really proud of it.

Left Alone To Wander

See above. :)

ETA: All my fics from 2010 can be found on this tag. Since there are 50+ I'm not going to link them individually.

fic: 2010

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