3 comment fics / kink_meme fills (ST AOS)

Aug 02, 2010 15:39

I keep meaning to post these, and I keep forgetting. So, before I forget again!

Title: Impressions
Fandom: ST AOS
Rating: all ages
Pairing(s): McCoy/Kirk (ust)
Notes: Written for a buckleup_meme prompt. 1,140 words.

Summary: McCoy thinks he has Jim Kirk figured out from the moment they meet. He doesn't.

Leonard thinks he has Jim Kirk figured out five minutes into their acquaintance. Never mind the fact that Leonard has never been the best judge of character (to wit: Jocelyn). But he thinks he knows Kirk’s type. He’s the loner, the tough guy, the man who’ll grit his teeth and crack jokes while he’s gushing blood. Not because he has a high pain threshold, but because he has an audience.

So he takes a couple of mental notes after Kirk returns his flask of bourbon, all of which mean essentially the same thing: watch out for this one.


The first time Leonard realizes he might have judged Kirk too hastily, they’re sitting in class, in Early Starfleet History, to be exact. This is about three weeks into the semester, and they’re not exactly friends, though they smile and nod whenever they happen to run into each other on campus, and once Kirk tried to get Leonard to take a floater up to Shasta National Forest with him and a few other cadets in their squadron. (“No,” Leonard said, conscious of his age and the fact that floaters, well, float. High above the ground.)

Kirk is seated three rows up and five seats to the right of Leonard. He has a good view of the kid (and why he’s paying more attention to Jim Kirk than to the lecturer is a question he doesn’t plan on asking himself). Leonard can tell he’s listening avidly; he has his thick eyebrows pinched together, his lips curled in a not-quite-frown that makes the scars on his cheek stand out. (Where and how did he get those scars? And why didn’t he have them removed? Stop it, McCoy, he admonishes himself.)

The lecturer’s going on about the Eugenics Wars of the 1980s, and how, in their aftermath, people were suspicious of just about anyone with exceptional abilities, be they super intelligence, athletic ability, or musical talent. As the lecturer talks, Kirk’s neighbor to his left - a dark-haired young man, Larry or Gary something - nudges his arm with his elbow. The two of them smirk, and Leonard rolls his eyes. But then, a moment later, Kirk’s features smooth out again, become almost blank. Larry-or-Gary whispers something, and Kirk’s jaw tenses, pulling the scars taut.

Interesting, Leonard thinks.

It shouldn’t be. Really, the things that make Jim Kirk uncomfortable should not interest Leonard McCoy in the slightest.

But they do.

And that’s something else he decides he isn’t going to think about later on.


The second time Leonard realizes he probably (definitely) judged Kirk too hastily (harshly?) he’s going to meet the kid so they can discuss the project they’ve been assigned to work on together in Basic Warp Core Engineering. This is two and a half months into the semester; the days are shorter, the morning fog thicker, and nip in the air more like a serious bite. Nowadays, when they run into each other on campus, Leonard - who’s starting to think of himself as McCoy, since that’s what everyone but Kirk calls him - and Kirk stop and talk to each other. They’ve been out drinking a few times, and Leonard is considering Kirk’s invitation to go on a Thanksgiving camping trip to Big Sur.

They’re friends. Which is great for a number of reasons, not least of which is the fact that it makes Leonard feel less like a stalker when he finds himself thinking about the curl of Kirk’s lips when he smiles, or the blue of his eyes.

Anyway, Leonard spent all morning at the library, downloading books to his PADD. Kirk was (presumably, though Leonard hasn’t seen him) doing the same thing, and grabbing snacks.

As he reaches the crest of the hill, Leonard can see Kirk seated on a bench, right where he said he’d be. His PADD is propped against his hip, and there’s a shopping bag on the grass at his feet. As Leonard watches, Kirk reaches into the bag and pulls out a sandwich wrap of some sort. He tears off a piece, pops it into his mouth. While he chews, he tears off a second piece, and hands it to the small dog seated next to him.

What, the - what?

Yes, that is a dog. A puppy, really: a beagle, all scrabbly white paws, hyperactive tail, and caramel-and-licorice fur. She gobbles up the piece of sandwich, then pounces at Kirk, pushing her paws against his chest, licking him from chin to nose. He squishes her ears in his hands, pushes his forehead against hers, and Leonard feels a few of his own jagged edges soften.

“Found a friend, I see,” he says, walking forward, and God damn the way his throat closes around the words, making them come out higher than they should.

“Bones!” Kirk turns and smiles at him. “I was wondering when-” But the puppy doesn’t like being ignored, apparently. She climbs onto Kirk’s lap, big puppy-paws plodding across his narrow thighs. She swipes her tongue over his ear and he squirms, letting out a “Eurghh!” but clearly soaking up the adoration.

“She’s an expert on Warp Core Engineering, I take it,” Leonard says as he sits down beside Kirk.

“Top in her class,” Kirk replies, as he tries half-heartedly to push the puppy away. “Actually, she’s Admiral Archer’s. He’s at a meeting on Lunar One, and he said I could watch her. Yesh, you’re a good girl, yesh, yesh, yesh.”

“As if you need to do any kissing up, genius.”

It’s the wrong thing to say. Leonard knows that the instant the words are out of his mouth, even before Kirk’s shoulders go rigid.

There’s a moment of awkward silence, then Leonard says, “I-”

But Kirk’s already play-wrestling with Archer’s dog again, scooping her up in his arms, batting gently at her flailing paws. Gaze caught in the curve of Kirk’s neck, Leonard thinks, Watch out for this one. You were right, asshole, just not the way you thought. Things slot into place inside him, broken bits held together tenuously with a dawning understanding.

Puppy wriggling in his arms, Kirk tilts his head and smiles again. There’s the ghost of an old pain beneath the blue. Just for a second - then it’s gone. Without really meaning to, Leonard slides closer to Kirk. Their hips are almost touching now. He reaches out a hand. It brushes Kirk’s sleeve before resting on the puppy’s warm belly, and a small shock goes through him. Maybe it goes through Kirk too; there’s an indrawn breath, but his dark lashes flutter downward, hiding his eyes.

At length, Leonard clears his throat. “So, Warp Core Engineering.”

“Right,” says Kirk.

Before they get down to business, Leonard takes a few more mental notes, all of which mean essentially the same thing: Take care of this one.



Title: Dunked
Fandom: ST AOS
Rating: teen
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Notes: Written for a jim_and_bones picture prompt. (Comm is locked, but anyone 18+ can join.) 470 words.

Summary: Horsing around in a space station swimming pool ... with revelations.

He shouldn’t. He knows he shouldn’t, but damn it, Bones is just too tempting a target, standing there at the shallow end of the pool, slowly letting his body get used to the comparatively cool water. And James T. Kirk did not get to be where he is today by hesitating.

With a tremendous splash and a bellowed “AAAAARGH!” Jim surges out of the water and runs at Bones, who just sort of goggles at him, like he can’t believe a grown man, never mind a highly decorated starship captain, would behave in such a childish manner. Which is awesome because it means Jim is able to fling his arms and legs around Bones, knocking him off his feet.

Bones flails and makes spluttery noises as the water closes over their heads. Jim can feel the tension in his back and shoulder muscles as he loosens his embrace, letting his palms slide over smooth skin. Tension that quickly dissipates once Jim pushes their mouths together. Bones just sort of goes limp in Jim’s arms, and that’s awesome too because it gives him total control - not that he has time to do more that sweep his tongue across Bones’s lips and tease them halfway apart before they’re out of air.

As they resurface, Jim lets Bones go. Chin in the water, lashes dripping, he watches and waits with maybe just a little apprehension. That wasn’t their first kiss, just the first kiss they’ve shared outside Jim’s quarters or Bones’s office in sickbay. Not that anyone else is using the station’s swimming pool this early in the morning.

That small detail may or may not matter to Bones.

“Infant.” Bones drags his fingers through his sopping wet hair, and glares down at Jim.

“Hey,” retorts Jim, “tell me you’re not used to the water now. I did you a favor!”

“You-” Bones splutters again. “God, I hate you sometimes.”

“Nah, you love me.”

Bones sucks in a sharp breath. He’s ranting again a moment later, but Jim didn’t miss his initial reaction, and - oh. Oh. He feels like sinking back underwater because yeah, he’s James T. Kirk, decorated and celebrated starship captain, but - this is some scary shit.

“Well, anyway,” Bones is saying, “now that I am used to the water, I’m gonna swim a few laps. Think you can avoid trying to drown me?” He clearly doesn’t realize Jim caught his little non-admission, and that’s good - that’s wonderful.

“Sure,” says Jim, aware that he sounds uncharacteristically subdued. Bones gives him a funny look, then shrugs and turns away.


Because this gives him time to think. Time to come up with a plan. He can deal with the scary shit. Watching the muscles in Bones’s back as he swims away, he decides he’s looking forward to it.



Title: Irresistible
Fandom: ST AOS
Rating: all ages
Pairing(s): Pike/One
Notes: Comment fic for a post made by boosette. 275 words.

Summary: Cadet Pike is in the bio lab late at night. (Inspired by the totally work-safe image below the cut.)

But seriously, it looked like a miniature version of the piggy bank his kid sister used to have, except hers was pink. Touching a fingertip to the transparent aluminum, Christopher told the thing, “You are so cute. Yes you are, yes you are.” He kept his voice low-pitched, not that there was anyone else in the biology lab at this time of night, especially on a Friday. All the sensible cadets were off having fun.

“Where are you from?” The sign on the small aquarium tank said Seltis IV, but it seemed polite to ask. “That’s pretty far, huh? How’d you get here? D’you like it here? Do you miss your brothers and sisters?”

“That,” said a flat female voice, “seems highly unlikely.”

Christopher glanced up. The cadet standing in the doorway was one he knew vaguely from his Early Federation History class. Smart but taciturn, beautiful in an almost harsh way - some of the guys described her as formidable, and Christopher was inclined to agree.

“Moreover,” she continued, striding toward him, her PADD clutched to her chest, “Seltis IV is eighty light-years from Earth. I just looked it up.” She turned the PADD around, showing him the star chart she’d apparently just pulled up. “Speaking subjectively, I suppose that could be considered far.”

“Fine,” said Christopher, “you’re right. But have you ever seen anything cuter than this fellow here?” He tapped the tank again. The tiny, translucent, squid-thing was happily bobbing along the gravel-lined bottom.

Out of the corner of his eye, her piercing blue gaze flicked to him, then away. He could have sworn it did.

“Yes,” she said.


fic: 2010, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy

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