(no subject)

Jul 09, 2010 14:11

Holy crap, I'm bored.

I wonder if my brother would like this shirt. Since he's frequently ranting to me about that very thing. So hard to tell with him, though.

Hmm, a meme.

The Care and Feeding of Me
1. How can I tell if you're angry?

I'll tell you.

Or I'll talk in clipped sentences, if I'm not avoiding (general) you. The latter comes from living with my mom for five years after coming back from Japan. I used to be much more direct. But Mom - whom I love tremendously - has this way of turning my anger around and making it All About How I'm Wrong and She's Hurt, etc.

2. How should I behave around you if you're angry?

Admit that you were wrong, and apologize.

Or, if you are not the wrongdoer, make me laugh.

3. How do you want me to behave when you are hurting emotionally? How is it best to comfort you?

Make me laugh.

And/or send Chris Pine for massages and cuddles. (I am a one-note fangirl these days.) And literary discussions. (I totally like his mind too.)

4. Are there things we should not discuss?

No. There are things I prefer not to open up to discussion because I'm not necessarily interested in a debate involving a (comparatively) large number of people, but if you (individually) would like to discuss something with me, please feel free.

5. How should I treat you when you are ill?

See #3

Good soup and porn is always appreciated.

6. What makes you happy that's in my power to grant you?

Attention, story feedback, new music, pic spams, random acts of kindness

7. How would you like us to recognize your birthday?

Honestly? A simple happy birthday will do. Also, see #3. I love stories too. And mix CDs. Mixes are always better when they're gifts.

8. Are there any standing categories of presents that would be appropriate or unwelcome?

A junior high school friend once said, "I almost got you a cross for your bat mitzvah." That would be an example of an inappropriate, unwelcome gift. Uh, but she spoke in total innocence, so ... I couldn't be upset, just amused. That said: thoughtfulness is important. I mean, you know me.

9. Are there times of the year that are difficult for you? Please explain if you are comfortable.

It's hard to be a Jewish Atheist on Christmas. But ... not really. I mean in answer to the above question. May used to stress me out. There are kitty death anniversaries, and memories of parents being ridiculous.

10. Are there important anniversaries in your life?

May 22nd, I was told that my beloved cat, Mr. Data, had died. 2 and a half months earlier. This, to me, was not good. But no, not really.

11. How do I cater for you if you are visiting me?

I'm shy and reserved in crowds. Don't introduce me to a lot of people. That's it, really. I mean, there's no need to stand on ceremony or do anything fancy. If you mean catering as in providing me with food, dude, I'm an omnivore. I just don't eat a lot of red meat. (Hardly any, really.) Or any animal I could, conceivably, keep as a pet.

A friend in Japan: "Can you eat jellyfish?"

Me: "Give me a jellyfish and we'll see."

12. If I want to contact you, how should I do it?

PM or email me.

50 minutes to go. O_o

And this shift started so well. No sooner had I sat down than someone called to ask me if there were astrological symbols on the floor of the Vatican.

*does Google-fu*

There are, as it turns out.
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