(no subject)

Aug 17, 2009 17:40

My trip to Kenosha was less productive than anticipated, since we couldn't find the collection we're supposed to process. Oops. *g* It'll turn up. We hope. I'm going back tomorrow. Meantime, back in March, when I'd worked on the archive's collection of old science fiction magazines, I'd discovered some amusing letters to the editor by a teenage Marion Zimmer Bradley. (Well, not Bradley back then.) She complained about - among other things - the portrayal of women in science fiction stories, which I thought was neat, considering what she went on to do, even though I was never into her. The archivist thinks I should write a short article about what I found and shop it around. Cool. Maybe I shall... if I can figure out where it belongs.


The latest issue of School Library Journal has an article on fan fiction. Basically, the authors think it's a fine hobby and can be a good learning tool - though they discourage wank and getting creative/lazy with grammar. Ha. You know you've found your niche when your professional literature vindicates your bad hobby, right?


I slept until 9, for like the first time since June. I shouldn't be tired. I blame the weather. It's so muggy. There was so much mist over Lake Michigan earlier this afternoon, I couldn't even see it.


Fic continues apace. I think I've figured out how to write the middle section without too much exposition dumping. Eee! It's getting long, though. Not long long, but... it's almost 4,000 words now, and I'm not quite halfway through.


Okay, TrueBlood time. Then supper. Then some beta reading. Then... a film? Amazon sent me "The Sound of Music" and "To Have and Have Not." Hmmmm. Not yet sure if I'm in the mood for saccharine or slick.
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