your extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes

Apr 12, 2009 16:54 is deleting the sales ranks of books with GLBT themes. More information and here. The ostensible of this particular dick move is to protect the site's "user base" from "adult materials." "Adult materials" such as Heather Has Two Mommies, EM Forster's Maurice, and James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room. Books containing explicit heterosexual content are, of course, unaffected.

I think I'll be taking my business elsewhere.

Meantime, Googlebombing is only one of several things we can do.

ETA: I haven't bought books from Amazon in a while. Instead, I've been using Better World Books. Free carbon neutral shipping in the US, wide selection of used and new books, and they raise funds for global literacy projects. Plus, they sent me chocolate on Valentine's Day. (I've been buying my music and DVDs from Amazon, though. I'll have to find an alternate source for those. Or, you know, hold off for a while because I'm an unemployed student.)

politics: equal rights, wtf?

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