[fic] Chances (Gundam Wing)

Apr 12, 2009 13:45


Fandom: Gundam Wing
Rating: teen
Ship: Hilde/Walker (really)
Summary: Written for the 101 Ways to Snog En Route to a Colony Challenge. Really, this is just an excuse to let dear, departed Walker get some action.
A/N: Obviously, this is an old story, but since my website and the Snog Challenge are now defunct, I thought I'd post it here. Approx. 800 words. Set before the start of the series. I always liked Walker, with his dedication and his motorcycle. Why did Quatre have to kill him? And so quickly too. Looking back, I shouldn't have been so mysterious about the pilot's identity. Thanks to headers, there can be no surprise pairings. Shouldn't be, anyway.

Hilde Schbeiker threw herself into the copilot's seat. "Hey," she said.

The pilot glanced at her. "Hey yourself. Shouldn't you be asleep like everyone else? Orientation starts almost immediately after docking. You're going to be wiped out."

"Couldn't sleep. I've been looking forward to this for three years. I'm too excited."

"You're too intense."

Hilde looked away, frowning. "That's what everyone says."

"That's what everyone says about me, too."

She smiled again, but she kept her gaze on the screen. She could see the colony. In just a few short hours she would land there...and then all her training for the past three years would be put to the test.

The pilot, taking in her rapt expression and understanding completely, magnified the view so that she could see the colony clearly, and all the ships that came and went from it. She glanced at the shuttle's display. Three hours and twenty-two minutes until landing. She remained silent for a few moments longer. Then-- "I wish you were coming with us!"

Her companion laughed. "Are you kidding? Serve on a colony when I could be soaking up the sun back in Corsica?"

"You won't soak up any sun," Hilde said archly. "You're as pale now as you were when we all first got there six months ago. You'll spend all your time fixing up old mobile suits."

He flushed slightly. "Ok, yeah, probably. Want to see what I've been working on lately? I haven't shown anyone else yet." He switched to autopilot, turned around in his seat and began to rummage through his bag. Hilde watched curiously. He came up with a manila envelope, which he passed to her, then he folded his arms across his chest and watched, grinning, while she opened the envelope and slid out the picture inside.

"I've never seen a mobile suit like this," she said after studying the picture intently for a minute. "Is it really old? It looks awfully battered."

"I'm not sure yet how old it is. Maybe about twenty years. They don't make them like this anymore. It's really powerful, though. I mean, it will be, when it's restored. Look at this..."

He bent over her and pointed out the various armaments on the white mobile suit. She tried not to be aware of the scent of his aftershave and his own wonderful, spicy, masculine scent underneath. She wasn't crazy about his voice, but she liked the way his cool breath tickled the hair behind her ear.

"...Terrific, isn't it?" he was saying. "I think it's called Tallgeese, don't ask me why. If that's true, it's kind of a proto-Leo. There are some real similarities. Look at this right here. You can see how that got incorporated into the design for the Leo. It's so big and bulky though; they must have decided it was too costly to mass-produce. Once it's fixed up I'm going to give it to Colonel Zechs. I bet he could handle it."

"Kiss up," she drawled.

"Look who's talking. At least I never slept with my commanding officer."

"I'll do anything to achieve my goals," she smirked. "You know that. What about you, though? Sleeping with a subordinate. Where were you trying to get?"

"Shh. I could get in trouble."

"Everyone else is asleep."

"Yeah, but..."

She twisted around and kissed him, firmly, on the mouth. For a second or two he clearly had no idea what to do. Then, to her delight, he put his arms around her and kissed her back.

But only for a moment.

He broke the kiss, pulling back and flushing again, deeply, from throat to hairline. "This is wrong, Hilde. It was fun before, but we can't do this anymore. For a lot of reasons."

"The colonists might strike any time and we need to keep focused on the task at hand."

"That's part of it." He ran a hand through his thick chestnut hair--a nervous gesture--and his dark eyes were downcast. "You know what I'm like. I put everything I've got into one thing--and only one thing--at a time. I've always been like that. You'll be in Outer Space. I'll be at Corsica. It wouldn't work."

"I know. But we could have fun, now." She was only teasing; she knew she'd lost him already.

"I know it would be fun. Too much fun. We shouldn't."

She wasn't crushed. She didn't love him. But she liked him a lot. And he'd been her first. She touched his cheek. "Oh, Walker. We're just going to have to stop this war before it starts, aren't we?"

Before he could stop her, she kissed him again twice--once for what they'd had, once for what she wished could be. She caught and returned his look of intense desire. Then she walked away.


fic: 2002, fic: gw (gundam wing)

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