The Last Ship (TV, RL)

Jul 13, 2014 21:20

I must really be out of the loop on TV things. I was looking for something to watch, and a title caught my eye. The Last Ship. "Hmmm," I said to myself. "That sounds like the perfect title for a post-apocalyptic story! I wonder if it could really be?" And it was!

The series is only three episodes long so far, shown on TNT if you're in the US. I watched them all this afternoon. The show's not perfect. For example: It starts in the arctic, where characters repeatedly state it's "50 below", yet none of them have their faces covered and all of them have loose hoods that keep blowing back from their heads. They have a dog with them (shepherd) with no protection at all. They spend a good deal of time out there, and end up with nothing but rosy cheeks! Some of the dialogue is a little cheesy too, and unfortunately the bad guys are kind of stereotypes.

But! Even with that stuff, I loved it. The plot was exactly to my liking: A virus killed off at least 80% of all humans, all the governments of the world have fallen, just these 200-something people on a Navy ship that was out to sea and thus not infected are trying to survive.

If you get TNT, or if it's shown in your area, I recommend it if you like that kind of story!


In diet news, today was the first day with no loss, though at least I didn't gain. I don't think I ate worse today, or at least not much worse.

I made my own broth. Then I remembered that last time I did it, I said I would never do it again. Eight hours cooking on the stove (in the middle of summer!), and it still came out blah. How could it taste like only slightly salty water? I used carrots, onions, a lot of garlic, a couple bay leaves, salt and pepper, "poultry seasoning", and a chicken carcass with meat left on it.

Speaking of, I wonder how long broth will stay good in the freezer? I still have my last two batches in there, which were made in winter or earlier. (I'm going to be having only broth and water for two days pre-surgery, so I figured it would be good to make more.)

I'm so not ready for work tomorrow. Eating is going to be much much harder. Blah.

diet, tv: the last ship, health: bariatric surgery

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